Going raw can have its challenges. You might have preconceptions that sink you before you swim. Like ‘raw food is boring.’ Or maybe you feel hungry all the time. You may even try to count calories – trust me, you don’t have to! Or maybe you’re not prepared when you’re away from home – so you grab a bag of chips.
But if you are aware of these mistakes, you are less likely to fall off the wagon. Here are some tips to help you avoid these common raw mistakes.
Mistake: Counting calories
First raw mistake is counting calories. You do not, I repeat, do NOT have to count calories when you are eating raw! Just make sure to eat a balanced raw diet. Eat good, whole healthy foods, and eat a lot of them. This is the joy of raw. Anyway, counting calories is a pain. Why do it if you don’t have to?
Mistake: Not eating enough
You’ll love correcting this raw mistake! Remember: you have to eat more than you’re used to. Don’t think, “Gee, one handful of berries is too much.” Grab another handful! It does take a lot more raw food (think volume) to ‘fill’ you up. Heap your plate high. Second servings are encouraged! Going raw does not equal going hungry. Make sure you eat enough throughout the day.
Mistake: Not being prepared when away from home
This is a huge raw mistake. One we’re all guilty of. We rush out of the house without a thought to snacks or lunch. So, get into the habit of having ‘easy-to-eat’ items on hand. Nuts, fruit,veggies – easy to take along for the ride. Divide your almonds (or cashews, or whatever) into baggies ahead of time – so they’re easy to grab. Bananas and apples… simple, take-along snacks.
The hard part is remembering to bring your food. For emergencies, stash a bag of nuts in your car (or even your purse). Being prepared when away from home is vitally important to successfully staying raw.
Mistake: Thinking that healthy food must taste boring
Raw food is boring… NOT! Many folks think eating raw is noshing down on lettuce and celery, day in and day out. Nowadays, going raw can taste delicious. No need to suffer taste deprivation! The secret is finding the right recipes. Have you tried the raw apple pie? Raw alfredo sauce? Raw brownies? Sweet or savory? Variety is key. There are so many delicious raw recipes to try. Start with the simpler raw recipes and then when you’re more confident… get creative! No more reasons to think, “ho-hum, boring” anymore. Scratch this raw mistake from your list!
What mistake are you making?
I hope you realize that going raw needn’t be boring or difficult. (Yay!) With just a little effort, staying raw will become second nature to you. Just be aware of these raw mistakes. Delight your taste buds with a variety of raw recipes. Don’t starve yourself or count calories. And be sure to carry simple raw snacks with you every time you leave the house!
Top voted
Heather Crawford
Aug 07, 2013
Thank you, Laura-Jane! I love the simplicity of your message.
For folks just starting the raw diet these simple steps can really determine whether raw is right for their bodies. A hungry body is a HANGRY body and don't nobody got time for that ;-) But I often wondered if I needed to count calories to make sure I wasn't 'overeating' fruits! There is so much conflicting information out there on how to eat and what is 'right' and how much is enough and what not to combine and what to avoid...AHHH it makes me crazy!
The Rawtarian
Sep 23, 2013
How have I never heard this quote before?? "A hungry body is a HANGRY body."
It is so true! Love it Heather
Nov 11, 2014
I love your website! I'm new to the Rawtarian world and I have found it really fun and easy :) Thanks!
Feb 17, 2015
Thanks! your recipies and advice are amazing! we're starting on a twice a week raw vegan trial and then seeing if we can slowly add days. Kinda nervous and kinda excited. This is helping a lot!
The Rawtarian
Feb 27, 2015
You can do it, Dora! Don't be nervous, be totally excited! I'm rooting for you! :)
Nov 11, 2014
I love your website! I'm new to the Rawtarian world and I have found it really fun and easy :) Thanks!
The Rawtarian
Nov 15, 2014
Aww, you are totally welcome, Klyana! :)
Heather Crawford
Aug 07, 2013
Thank you, Laura-Jane! I love the simplicity of your message.
For folks just starting the raw diet these simple steps can really determine whether raw is right for their bodies. A hungry body is a HANGRY body and don't nobody got time for that ;-) But I often wondered if I needed to count calories to make sure I wasn't 'overeating' fruits! There is so much conflicting information out there on how to eat and what is 'right' and how much is enough and what not to combine and what to avoid...AHHH it makes me crazy!
The Rawtarian
Sep 23, 2013
How have I never heard this quote before?? "A hungry body is a HANGRY body."
It is so true! Love it Heather
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