Recipe Directions

1. Blend 2-3 tablespoons barley miso (or other miso), 2 cups warm water, 2-3 tablespoons Nama Shoyu or Braggs, pepper, ½ garlic clove, 1-2 tablespoons lemon Juice, a sprig of parsley, and 1-2 tablespoons hemp seed (more or less creamy) as well as kelp powder and 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil.

2. Soak wakame and kombu. Place in warm broth and place bowl in dehydrator

3. Prepare sliced bulb onion, 3 sliced baby portabello mushrooms, less than ¼ cup shredded cabbage, and ;ess than ¼ cup zucchini (thinly sliced as rice noodles).

4. Add freshly sliced vegetables to seaweed and broth mixture.


You can set the vegetables in the dehydrator for a little while as well. This gives them a great texture (especially the cabbage). Also, this helps to avoid cooling off the soup too much.

Avocado was a great addition the second time I made it.

My boyfriend suggested using the broth as a base for a broccoli and cheese type soup. Try it and let me know how it tastes!

Nicolegodiva's Thoughts

By nicolegodiva

A tasty miso Soup that was inspired by other miso soups on GoneRaw.

However, I changed a few things and added my own flavors.

This is the best soup I have ever consumed period, raw or not.

Try it and make it for your friends! 

The broth tastes very cheesy.. mmm.

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oh my god this looks so tasty! This kicks miso soup into a whole new level.

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This looks fantas~tikal!

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YUM! That looks amazing!


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YUM! That looks amazing!

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This looks fantas~tikal!

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oh my god this looks so tasty! This kicks miso soup into a whole new level.

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