This is a take off of an Ani Phyo recipe, hers calls for a lot of olive oil, but I thought replacing with an avocado would work and it was great
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1 Avocado
1 tablespoon miso
2 cup water
1 cup Shitake mushroos, sliced
2 tablespoon Braggs
Recipe Directions
Marninate the mushrooms in the Braggs and set aside.
Blend Avocado, water and miso in a blender until smooth
place mushrroms in a bowl and pour the soup over them
can garnish with chopped green onions,
Jim97ro's Thoughts

This is a take off of an Ani Phyo recipe, hers calls for a lot of olive oil, but I thought replacing with an avocado would work and it was great
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Raw Sensation
May 13, 2010
I've made this from her book and left out the oil entirely and it was awesome. I hadn't thought of avocado though. Thanks for the tip!
May 23, 2010
i tried this recipe too from the book and i felt like i needed to take a shower after i ate it i was so oily was super intense and really made me feel bad after i ate it , thanks so much for the the avocado suggestion, it made it so much better!
May 09, 2010
So glad you suggested the avocado, I have made this recipe from her book and thought it was too rich because of all of the oil.
May 23, 2010
i tried this recipe too from the book and i felt like i needed to take a shower after i ate it i was so oily was super intense and really made me feel bad after i ate it , thanks so much for the the avocado suggestion, it made it so much better!
Raw Sensation
May 13, 2010
I've made this from her book and left out the oil entirely and it was awesome. I hadn't thought of avocado though. Thanks for the tip!
May 09, 2010
So glad you suggested the avocado, I have made this recipe from her book and thought it was too rich because of all of the oil.
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