Recipe Directions

  • 1. Scoop out your avocado and place avocado flesh in bowl and stir gently to make an almost smooth texture (but I do like to leave a few chunks to keep the texture slightly chunky). Make sure you're using a very perfect avocado for this raw guacamole. The avocado sets the flavour of the whole dish, so don't use a funky one!
  • 2. Either hand chop your tomato and onion into very small pieces or place the tomato and onion in a food processor and pulse just enough to make them into very small pieces.
  • 3. Chop the cilantro (also known as coriander) into tiny pieces. Could also use your food processor again for this if you like, especially if it's already dirty from the above.
  • 4. Add all the raw guacamole recipe ingredients (don't forget the lemon juice and the pinch of salt) to the avocado and stir gently.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

Raw guacamole recipe that's simple and delicious? Try this raw guacamole recipe on for size. It's beautiful in its simplicity. Only four or five pure ingredients and this guac can be made in only a few minutes...

Serve this raw guacamole recipe with your favourite raw corn chips recipe and even your SAD friends will awaken to the wonder that is raw foods!

This raw guacamole recipe is so simple and yet so satisfying. Newsflash, people: this is what real guacamole tastes like! That chemical stuff you find in cheap restaurants is...just not the same. Without further ado here's that raw guacamole recipe!!


This raw guacamole recipe is so simple and so good. Enjoy on its own or serve as a dip with vegetables or raw corn chips.

Let me know what you think about this delicious raw guacamole recipe!

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Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 84 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, Carbohydrates, and Sodium.
  • This recipe is a good source of Dietary Fiber, and Vitamin C.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Protein, Riboflavin, and Vitamin B6.

Amounts per 229 g (8 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 219 9 %
Protein 5 g 8 %
Fat 17 g 22 %
Carbohydrates 16 g 5 %
Dietary Fiber 10 g 32 %
Calcium 24 mg 2 %
Iron 0.57 mg 4 %
Sodium 168 mg 7 %
Source: USDA

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Comments and Reviews

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326 votes
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Lol love your suggestions Chris!! And your passion :)

323 votes
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AAAAHHHHH, this is the perfect guac! It does make me want chips, but I have traded my chips for cucumbers, the guacamole and cucumber compliment each other well. Love it!!

316 votes
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tried it with the garlic and pepper as well, GREAT!


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trishb's Review

Raw guacamole recipe - simple
5 out of 5

Delicious! I like the. Lemon and avocado.Thought you had to have garlic, but love this. Thank you.

69 votes
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How do you measure 1/4 cup of Cilantro? I could pack it into the measuring cup but im sure that would be too much.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Meal Plans App

60 votes
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Hi Brad,

Just chop it and pack it into a measuring cup gently. This is a forgiving recipe, so it's hard to screw up :)

88 votes
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I used thyme instead and it`s turned out really well!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

77 votes
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Interesting. Thanks for sharing, Ollie! :)

101 votes
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Andrew's Review

Raw guacamole recipe - simple
5 out of 5

Yummy, so simple so good. (o:

105 votes
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Thanks, Andrew! :)

175 votes
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Hi..the guacamole recipe is one i am planning to make for a quiz night..was wondering if it is ok to sit for an hour out of the fridge before eating..thanks regards Deb

180 votes
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Hi Deb,

It should be okay for one hour out of the fridge, but I wouldn't leave it for much longer than that. Hope this helps!

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Shannan's Review

Raw guacamole recipe - simple
5 out of 5

This is great! I went old school also...used a knife to dice everything, and a fork to mash. I did not have cilantro, so I added garlic and lots of ground black pepper. I doubled the recipe and served it with a few sliced cucumbers (they're the new "chip")...ACES! :) This would also make a good thick "salad topper".

182 votes
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Nice idea for the chips, Shannan!  Also, nice idea as the salad topper!    genius really.

323 votes
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AAAAHHHHH, this is the perfect guac! It does make me want chips, but I have traded my chips for cucumbers, the guacamole and cucumber compliment each other well. Love it!!

Top Voted
205 votes
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Aimee, how cute are you! Glad you've "traded up" for cukes! :)

316 votes
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tried it with the garlic and pepper as well, GREAT!

Top Voted
219 votes
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Hi Kat, you've been a busy girl lately!

213 votes
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Good Recipe buttttttt: here's a real way to blow it out of the park :):

GARLIC!!- at least 1.5 cloves per avacado
Ground pepper
And Lime juice not lemon juice people!!!!

Enjoy. :)... I also like mashing and mixing all the ingredients together!

326 votes
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Lol love your suggestions Chris!! And your passion :)

Top Voted
232 votes
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This was fantastic! Made it for a date night in for use in fajitas, used it since on bread, and as a dip. I mashed the avocado then basically threw the tomato, onion, and cilantro one by one into a little food processor and diced it. Fast and delicious.

237 votes
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Sounds delicious Aliya. How did your date like it? ;)

236 votes
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Thank you for your recipes! I've made corn chips today for the first time, they are delicious. I dehydrated them in the oven as my dehydrator was full with vegan bacon ( courgettes &smoked paprika). I've also made some raw guacamole and can't wait for my girls to come back from school, I'm sure they will love it. I've been on raw food for 5 days, well mainly juices and smoothies and my body is loving it...Thank you for sharing !!

232 votes
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Mmm vegan bacon! Hope the guac was a success with your girls :) Way to go with your 5 days raw!!

223 votes
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I think a raw guacamole recipe like this is delicious! People are always adding waaay to many ingredients to guac, just keep it simple!

149 votes
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I couldn't agree more, Raven! :)

185 votes
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It's great to have you here, Raven. Totally agree - simple is where it's at :)

185 votes
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Thanks for sharing, I just made it and it's super delicious. I didn't use a processor, just a knife, also I have no masher so I just went old school and used my (clean) hands lol. My 5 year old loved it too. Yummeroo!

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