Recipe Directions

  • 1. Place almonds in food processor. Process into a fine flour. You are making almond flour!
  • 2. Add cashews. Process again until well combined and cashews are quite fine.
  • 3. Add dates and process again.
  • 4. Add remaining ingredients and process one last time until as smooth as possible. Although try not to overprocess. You are looking for a texture similar to the brownie recipe that I am sure you've already made :)
  • 5. Shape into a cake shape using your hands for a real cake-like result on a cake plate. Alternatively (and easier) - squish the cake down into a glass pan or a springform pan.
  • 6. Refrigerate for at least one hour before serving. Ice if desired.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

This white cake is quite plain on its own. It really needs some fruit or icing to spice it up.

This white cake recipe is very versatile. Get creative! Try combining with raw whipped cream, strawberry sauce and tons of berries for a strawberry shortcake!

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 76 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Carbohydrates, and Sodium.
  • This recipe is low in Calories.
  • This recipe is a good source of Vitamin E.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Protein, Dietary Fiber, Iron, and Riboflavin.

Amounts per 55 g (2 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 259 11 %
Protein 6 g 11 %
Fat 19 g 24 %
Carbohydrates 19 g 6 %
Dietary Fiber 5 g 15 %
Sugars 11 g
Calcium 58 mg 6 %
Iron 1.7 mg 13 %
Sodium 78 mg 3 %
Source: USDA, The Rawtarian

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Comments and Reviews

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171 votes
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I made this for my boss's birthday today along with your orange icing(aka my new addiction!) and decorated it with goji berries and shredded coconut. She loved it, I loved it, even the doctor loved it! It was soooooo good I came home from work and made another one for my husband, son and I so we can eat it for dessert tonight. Thank you for another winner Miss Rawtarian :)

169 votes
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Hi there, Janace! Strawberries and chocolate would be perfect with this, I agree!

145 votes
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This look really amazing. I am defiantly gonna make it. looking forward for more form your site.


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brendac4195's Review

Raw white cake recipe
5 out of 5

This is my most favorite cake! I roll the cake mix into 1" balls though, and some I roll in cacao powder then roll them in a strainer to get the extra cacao off. They come out just lightly dusted with cacao and it's a perfect chocolate version! Sometimes, this is my breakfast!

16 votes
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I'm so glad you enjoy this cake! It's one of my favorites too :)

69 votes
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Hi, Laura-Jane! I thought if anyone would have the raw recipe for creme brûlée, it would definitely be The Rawtarian. I plan to make a German Chocolate Cake next, but only found one raw recipe by a Rawtarian Member, because I have lots of coconut flakes and because it's a really good cake; never tried the raw version, though. It would pair up nicely with a scoop of blueberry or raspberry ice cream (raw, of course). ?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Thank you, Laura-Jane! PS: This was the first desert I made from your many recipes using only half of the ingredients because that was all I had, and I didn't have raisins nor dates, so I used dried cranberries instead... I think my heart skipped a few beats from the sweetness, if I wasn't sitting, I probably would've fainted of instant gratification. I also topped it with fresh raspberries, ooh-la-la! I'm wondering if there is a Rawtarian recipe for creme brûlée???

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

99 votes
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Hi Bibi!

Um... raw creme brûlée. Don't think I haven't thought about it!!!! But that's a tough one... :)

I'm so glad the cake turned your crank! I can see how this would've been lovely with raspberries.

What's next on your agenda?


69 votes
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I made this cake for my son's 27th birthday today and it was delicious!? I am so thankful for recipes like this as they have helped my family and I to better our health and live a more joyous life!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

79 votes
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Lovely, Danita! Happy belated birthday to your son! Did he enjoy the cake?

97 votes
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Yes he did! I even made strawberry and banana Ice cream as well as non-dairy whipped cream for the cake. I sprinkled a little date sugar over the cake as a final touch. My husband, whom would usually be my toughest critic, could not get enough! Because there were so many of us, I doubled the recipe, in the photo shown above.? I received your recipe book last week and cannot wait to try out all of the other beautiful, healthy dishes! Thanks so much!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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You've been busy!!

Thanks so much for your support, beautiful Danita! xox

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92 votes
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Adorbs Bibi!

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Has anyone made this without the coconut? I wondered how important it is to the texture or if just for flavor.

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Hi Dr. Denise,

The coconut is definitely used for texture here, and it is needed for the recipe to turn out well. (The dried coconut helps to make it lighter and fluffier.)

If you can't do coconut, you could do hemp hearts instead.

145 votes
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This look really amazing. I am defiantly gonna make it. looking forward for more form your site.

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jbubonia's Review

Raw white cake recipe
5 out of 5

This mild cake is really delicious with strawberries and the chocolate icing. YUM!

169 votes
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Hi there, Janace! Strawberries and chocolate would be perfect with this, I agree!

Top Voted
171 votes
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I made this for my boss's birthday today along with your orange icing(aka my new addiction!) and decorated it with goji berries and shredded coconut. She loved it, I loved it, even the doctor loved it! It was soooooo good I came home from work and made another one for my husband, son and I so we can eat it for dessert tonight. Thank you for another winner Miss Rawtarian :)

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Alicja's Review

Raw white cake recipe
5 out of 5

I can't find an orange icing recipe. Could tell me how to make it? Thanks.

71 votes
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You could try my cream cheese icing recipe (mostly cashew based), and add some orange zest and use orange juice instead of the water.

91 votes
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Aww, thank you! And thanks for sharing your pic! Most appreciated! :)

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