By The Rawtarian

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In this episode, Laura-Jane The Rawtarian chats with Drew Taddia about food versus exercise. Lots of excellent nuggets here about mindset and lifestyle change!

To enter the contest as mentioned at the end of the episode for a chance to win Complete Truth Protein or a copy of Drew's Detoxify Yourself ebook, please leave a comment below.

Find more about Drew Taddia here:


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This podcast was great. It was very interesting to hear about the debate of nutrition and working out but reality is you really need both. I have smoothies almost every morning and to hear about Drew's protein powder that is clean and healthy was very exciting. I am very interested in reading Drew's eBook Detoxify Yourself as well.

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Thanks, Janace! I'm glad you listened and enjoyed! :)

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First off, I would like to say that this has been my favourite podcast of yours, by far! It was interesting, as I have 'mastered' clean eating for quite some time now and have been struggling with an exercise routine. Thank you Drew for some of your tips on how to make an exercise routine last longer than a month or two. Additionally, I hope to hear more from you on the rawtarian again, as it was an enjoyable podcast. Secondly, for my smoothie preferences I really enjoy making a batch of brewed chaga and storing it in my fridge for the week and using it in place of water/non-dairy milk in my smoothie, along side super foods, berries and a leafy green.


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Loved this podcast! I have a favorite Green Smoothie I make every morning... Very simple: 1 cup almond milk, 1 cup water, 2 bananas, huge handful of spinach, 1 tsp spirulina, 1 tblsp mixed greens powder. Would love to add some protein powder :)

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Thanks, Bella! I'm glad you enjoyed the podcast! :)

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Thanks for having me on the show LJ, loved it! Keep on Rockin it!

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The pleasure was all mine :)

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discovered green smoothies, love it, my go to is kale, blueberries, banana, and flax or chia. want to find hemp seeds, but hard to find in my area....

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Sounds delicious Marcus! Hemp Hearts would be a great additive for many benefits: a complete protein, healthy fats, trace minerals and more! I'd agree with Laura-Jane, tons of access to Hemp Hearts online!

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Try online, Marcus. There are lots of different outlets to check out. has them, and you could try Vitacost.

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My favorite smoothly is whatever I have in the fridge. Lately I have been adding a couple spoons of homemade sauerkraut.

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Oh my Barbara! I eat sauerkraut in the morning or in the evening with a meal for it's pro-biotic properties and to help with digestion, although I've never heard or thought of putting it in smoothies. Would you mind sharing what else you add in your smoothies with Sauerkraut? Sounds interesting....

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That's an interesting addition, Barbara! Homemade sauerkraut has got to be soooo good! :)

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First I am new to the whole podcast thing. Yours was actually the first one I've ever listened too. Thank you for making me want to listen to more. We just found out that my daughter is allergic to wheat. Not just Gluten but as wheat in a whole form. So we've cut a lot of foods and have started to eat raw and it is great. It is hard to give up those "nice tasting" treats though.
Smoothies... Well we love to do a creamy one about twice a week. I freeze fresh fruit. I feel it tastes better and fresher. Bananas and soy milk with a splash of vanilla has become my kids favorite "treat".

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Hey Nicole, that's pretty cool this is the first podcast you listened to, I hope you'll be tuning into more of The Rawtarian's podcast, there's tons more information that I'm sure you'd be interested in.
There is plenty of people going 'wheat free' these days and for good reason. (I hope you don't mind me posting this LJ) but if you'd like to check out my interview with Dr. Davis, Author of Wheat Belly, here is the link:
I very much enjoyed Dr. Davis' interview, he doesn't really talk like a Dr. and offers some great information on why we should all go Wheat Free.
Side note: I'm not wheat free, but he does make a good case :).

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Hi Nicole, I am honoured! Thanks for listening!

You & your family are making a big adjustment to living without wheat. Finding those satisfying treats is important, and it sounds like your kids aren't minding a bit of raw! :)

78 votes
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This podcast was great. It was very interesting to hear about the debate of nutrition and working out but reality is you really need both. I have smoothies almost every morning and to hear about Drew's protein powder that is clean and healthy was very exciting. I am very interested in reading Drew's eBook Detoxify Yourself as well.

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That's right Janace, you need both exercise and nutrition to improve your lifestyle and stay healthy! I'm glad you're interested in Complete Truth Protein. I'd love to hear what you put in your morning smoothies!
Thanks for listening and for your comment!

71 votes
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Thanks, Janace! I'm glad you listened and enjoyed! :)

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First off, I would like to say that this has been my favourite podcast of yours, by far! It was interesting, as I have 'mastered' clean eating for quite some time now and have been struggling with an exercise routine. Thank you Drew for some of your tips on how to make an exercise routine last longer than a month or two. Additionally, I hope to hear more from you on the rawtarian again, as it was an enjoyable podcast. Secondly, for my smoothie preferences I really enjoy making a batch of brewed chaga and storing it in my fridge for the week and using it in place of water/non-dairy milk in my smoothie, along side super foods, berries and a leafy green.

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Hi Felisha! Thanks for taking the time to listen and to leave a comment. This was my first podcast to be interviewed and I absolutely loved it. It was actually more difficult than I thought being on the other side of the mic. Laura-Jane did a great job of keeping me moving along as I rambled to my point :).
Keep moving forward in your health and fitness journey, remember small steps are sustainable steps and always be resourceful. At times regarding fitness (and life), we're trying the front door every which way when the back door is wide open!

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Hello Felisha, and thanks for your awesome comment! :)

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