Recipe Directions

1. Slice half of the apples in a food processor with the slicing disk and place in a bowl. Shred the other half and place in the same bowl.

2. Mix all other ingredients together in the bowl.

3. Press the mix into 18 flat, round cookies and place them on 2 dehydrator sheets, each with 3 rows of 3 cookies.

4. Dehydrate at 105°Fahrenheit for about 24 hours. Cookies should be chewy, not dry.

Kandace's Thoughts

By kandace

These are a soft, chewy treat. I often bring this along as a snack when traveling, and also because I’ve found that even family that doesn’t eat raw requests this treat often.

Adapted from a recipe in Rawvolution. I scaled down the agave as the entire cookie was a bit too sweet for my taste and added more raisins for texture.

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56 votes
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D-Lish! I was a little nervous when putting these on the trays, wondering if they would stay together but they did. Great flavor and smell incredible. Now, if only mine looked as pretty as yours do in the photo. There's always next time. :) Thanks for the recipe.

52 votes
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i used hazelnuts instead of almonds, and they turned out DELICIOUS!!

thank you=)

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I can't get (raw) agave nectar in Norway, can it be substituted with a date paste?


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Wild and Free's Review

Apple Cookies
5 out of 5

OH my gosh these are SO goooooood! I decided to taste it before it got into the dehydrator and had to stop myself from eating the whole thing right then! I suppose I will let you know when they come out of the dryer how they are when they are actually done..(If they can stay in there long enough) :D

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they sound great, i cant wit to try. do you know the nutritional content? like calories, fat, fiber?

33 votes
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I should have waited for my Excaliber dehydrator to arrive - I just ordered it yesterday. I made the cookies this morning and put them in one of the old round dehydrators. They are too tall (3" is the reccomendation in the original recipe) and the dehydrator will not close. I have towels draped over the sides and squished them down a tad. Your comments insipred impatience. I cannot wait to try these and for my cadillac dehydrator to arrive. Thanks for all of the comments above.

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Those look beautiful! I am glad I have an Excalibur dehydrator now so I can make all of your goodies!

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These are the bomb, they have saved my craving bottom many, many times. A rock out recipe!

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These are great! I used less than a half cup of agave and still found them really sweet. I also used less cinammon, but they still taste yummy and spicy. Thanks!

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Just made these a couple nights ago and we chowed half of the down before we even finished dehydrating them. And they're soooo good when dehydrated, they really do taste baked. Mine didn't look anything like that though - I layered some slices and then put the shavings with raisins on top. Also... I soaked the raisins beforehand so that it's not too much of a sugar overload. Thanks for the recipe!

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These are fantastic, as someone who is going raw it is a bonus many thanks

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mine are dehydrating as I write this. I left out the agave. I hope it is not the binder.I used a little apple sauce long should we soak the almonds?

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These are awesome! I used 1/2 the amount of cinnamon and found them to be perfect. My 3-yr-old daughter loves them too. I made both cookies (like the recipe) and also bars/squares out of them. I used part of the batter and spread it in a large rectangle shape on the dehydrator sheet and let it dry. I used a pizza cutter to cut them into perfect little bite-sized squares for my little tot. YUM! Thanks!

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I added some orange zest to them and they were fab!!

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These sound so good. I have a you measure 1 3/4 cup almonds, then soak them, or do you measure 1 3/4 cup of already soaked almonds? The number of almonds would be quite different. Can't wait to try them. Thanks!

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this is one of my fav things ever, and my non-raw fam loves them too.

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At first I thought the amount of cinnamon was a misprint...1/4 cup!! I checked this recipe with the original in Rawvolution and he says the same amount. But I love cinnamon so I thought "what the heck!". These have a strong cinnamon flavor but it isn't overpowering. I was really pleased with how these turned out and they are easy to make. Thanks for posting this recipe.

56 votes
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D-Lish! I was a little nervous when putting these on the trays, wondering if they would stay together but they did. Great flavor and smell incredible. Now, if only mine looked as pretty as yours do in the photo. There's always next time. :) Thanks for the recipe.

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33 votes
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bq. I can’t get (raw) agave nectar in Norway, can it be substituted with a date paste?

I would think so, definitely. Let us know how it turns out!

bq. is there a nut i could substitute for the almonds that would work?

My guess is that most nuts would work (glad the hazelnuts were a hit). My only thought is that, ideally, the nuts would be soaked to keep a similar consistency.

52 votes
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i used hazelnuts instead of almonds, and they turned out DELICIOUS!!

thank you=)

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is there a nut i could substitute for the almonds that would work?

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These were delish! My non-raw grams loved them too.

49 votes
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I can't get (raw) agave nectar in Norway, can it be substituted with a date paste?

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Allison, what a great idea! If you make the cobbler, please post your recipe. I have an apple tree about to explode with fruit and am going to be trying every apple recipe I can get my hands on!

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I think these would be a good base for apple cobbler. Make some apple sauce in the FP and top crumbled cookies with it. Make walnut cream as a topping. Allison

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Sooo good! I made mine the lazy way--by throwing cored, peeled apples along with everything into the blender on the lowest speed. The batter was quite wet when I put them in to dehydrate, but it gave the cookies an amazing puddinglike texture on the inside when they were dry on the outside. Awesome! Plus, they make the house smell incredible. Thanks Kandace!

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The cookies are absolutely wonderful! And my mom agrees! Thanks Kandace!

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I've been wanting to try this recipe for a looong time, and I'm happy to say they're in the dehydrator right now and they smell great!!! Thanks Kandace!

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