Recipe Directions

1. After adding everything, wait for 30 minutes to have it set a bit more.

2. Divide it on 9 Teflex/baking paper sheets.

3. Dehydrate on 145 Fahrenheit for 2 hours as there is a lot of moisture in it. You could even go for 2 1/2 hours. Then turn it down to 105 Fahrenheit for another 5 hours and then flip the sheets onto the normal trays (it might take longer to flip, you have got to check).

4. Dehydrate for another 10-12 hours until it reaches your desired dryness.

5. I served it with a cashew creme cheese (basic recipe), added some frozen jalapeno pieces while processing the cheese, and then arranged marinated portabello mushroom slices on it. It also tastes really great with fresh tomato on it, complements really nice.

Beate64's Thoughts

By beate64

Okay, this is a huge recipe, it makes 9 trays full of bread, but I am sure you can adjust it to whatever amount of tomatoes you have.

We have so many tomatoes still standing in the hallway, waiting to be used in some way, so I tried this recipe here and am so happy with the outcome.

It tastes absolutely awesome!!! Great pizza flavor, just good on its own without anything on it!

The aroma throughout the house is amazing and it tastes great and fills you up!


In any way, we love it! Enjoy!

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41 votes
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Awesome daniefon! I am looking forward to see how you liked it :)) It's so nice to share recipes with each other :))

And Caleb, great idea with the jalapeno :)) Brings up many more ideas... mmm... food :))

36 votes
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I had it for dinner last night, it was wonderful. I am not going to add anything it is perfect like it is! I highly recommend it. I used to make onion bread (Rawvolution) but lately it wasn't sitting well, I think it is just too rich. This will be the perfect replacement. Thank you again.

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Srumzis's Review

Awesome Pizza Bread
5 out of 5

This stuff is incredible! I have a four tray excalibur, so I halved the recipe (except I used 7 instead of 8 lbs of tomatoes). I had to dry it 24 hours, but they're awesome! This stuff goes great with the "I can't believe it's not cheese" ( Tip: only use 1 T oregano in that recipe, not 3!!!).


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Srumzis's Review

Awesome Pizza Bread
5 out of 5

This stuff is incredible! I have a four tray excalibur, so I halved the recipe (except I used 7 instead of 8 lbs of tomatoes). I had to dry it 24 hours, but they're awesome! This stuff goes great with the "I can't believe it's not cheese" ( Tip: only use 1 T oregano in that recipe, not 3!!!).

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I had it for dinner last night, it was wonderful. I am not going to add anything it is perfect like it is! I highly recommend it. I used to make onion bread (Rawvolution) but lately it wasn't sitting well, I think it is just too rich. This will be the perfect replacement. Thank you again.

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hi beate64...this turned out yummy! i did have to scale it way down because i only had 2 trays open in my dehydrator. randommara...sorry , that was my pic i had to delete because it replaced beate64' was avocado,bacon,tomato,and sprouts with mayo:)

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Pretty new picture! What's on the sandwich besides avo?

16 votes
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I looked it up and found that a pound of Roma tomatoes is about 8 tomatoes. I'm new here and look forward to trying this recipe. It sounds yummy and I have a LOT of tomatoes in my garden, too!

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I will let you know tomorrow! I am taking it on a camping trip this weekend. I am the only one who is raw, so I will be interested in their feedback. There are about 10 women going, some are junk food eaters, a couple of vegetarians, a couple that eat as healthy as they can and me. A bunch of them are curious about raw, maybe this will win them over!

I also meant to add earlier, that I chopped my tomatoes in the food processor using the pulse button. I did about 5 at a time so that I didn't pulverize them. Then I dumped them in a collander for a few minutes to cut down on the juices. It made a nice batter and made it easy, I couldn't imagine chopping all of those tomatoes! I thought about adding olives, but decided to try the recipe as written first, then if I want to play around with it, I will, but from the looks of it, it is perfect now!

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Awesome daniefon! I am looking forward to see how you liked it :)) It's so nice to share recipes with each other :))

And Caleb, great idea with the jalapeno :)) Brings up many more ideas... mmm... food :))

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I made a batch of this last night, the batter/dough was delicious and the whole house smelled fantastic this morning. I can't wait to try it! Thank you.

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DEFINITELY going to make this. I am a raw pizza addict. This looks so tasty. Although I'm going to have to cut the recipe WAY down. hehe

Sweetpea, I like your idea of the bell pepper, I may try it :) I have one crust right now that has a lot of stuff in it including bell pepper and jalapano

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Thanks cherie03 :)) I cut the pieces and the divide 3 trays worth into two bigger zip lock bags. One or two go into the fridge and the other ones go into the freezer. No need to defrost big time as they are ready to eat in minutes, but you can always warm them up again in the dehydrator for a bit. It is a good way to preserve tomatoes.

And yes, kminty3 16 pounds is a big amount of tomatoes... I have a huge big metal bowl I used to make bread in, and that one was full with everything after I had it all in there, had to be careful to mix it with my hands ;)) But if you cut the recipe in half, that still gives you a lot... so if you can get your hands on roma's, do it :))

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This divides reasonably well into 4, for anyone wanting a much smaller batch. You can eyeball 3/4 tsp each of dried basil and oregano, or else go with 1.5 tsp of Italian seasoning, which has basil, oregano, thyme and a bit of rosemary. I wonder if some of the tomatoes could be replaced with red bell pepper? I can't wait to try this out!

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this looks good.. about how any roma's is 16 pounds worth? that sounds like a lot

24 votes
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This sounds so nice. It goes straight to the recipe box. How would I store it? Even if I halve the recipe, that will be a lot of stuff for one person. Thanks, beate64.

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Oops, there slipped one nama shoyu or braggs too much in... just start with 1/2 cup and add what you like, or just use sea salt if you dont like those liquids.

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