Yacon syrup tastes just like caramel and molasses in raw ice creams. Finally, a raw organic syrup suitable for all raw dessert dishes! This is a very delicious and fun treat!

Recipe Directions

1. Mix all ingredients in food processor with S blade for 3-4 minutes or until creamy and smooth. Serve immediately and enjoy.

Sweet Adeline's Thoughts

By Sweet Adeline

Yacon syrup tastes just like caramel and molasses in raw ice creams.

Finally, a raw organic syrup suitable for all raw dessert dishes!

This is a very delicious and fun treat!

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michaeljh's Review

Banana Gelato
5 out of 5

My wife makes exactly this kind of syrup and it is unbelievably delicious!!! It's so good that you wrote it, because many people don't know this miracle :)


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michaeljh's Review

Banana Gelato
5 out of 5

My wife makes exactly this kind of syrup and it is unbelievably delicious!!! It's so good that you wrote it, because many people don't know this miracle :)

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