Recipe Directions

1. Blend the seeds in your food processor until powder-like.

2. Add the oil, salt and sweetener and blend some more until moist and butter-like.


Vegan Goddess's Thoughts

By Vegan Goddess

I was searching goneraw for a sunflower seed butter recipe but didn't find one. I found some stuff on the internet and played around and made up my own recipe :)

I just enjoyed this with my lunch and it was delicious! Here's a great recipe to enjoy it with: cucumber wraps.


Oil: I'm sure you could use other oils like almond oil, but this just happens to be what I had on hand at home :o)

Sweetener: I would start small and add more if needed, just so you don't over-sweeten the batch at the very beginning.

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Zeke, I definitely think using a mortar and pestle would help to avoid raising the temperature. You could grind it into a fine powder that way and then add in the oil, salt and sweetener. It will take a little longer and a bit of elbow grease, but will probably work just fine. I would recomend using something hard and heavy like a stone mortar and pestle because it is easier to grind harder seeds than using the wooden kinds. Good luck!

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I had sunflower seed butter from trader joes over a year ago, it was delicious but too sweet to buy again. i'm really excited about this!

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no, but be free. do what you want. you can soak them, dehydrate them and then make the butter.


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i totally want to make some kind of blueberry/blackberry crumble using this.. it would be so delicious. Haven't quite figured out all the other details yet, but i love sunflower butter!

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ladyfiremedic5's Review

Basic Sunflower Seed Butter
5 out of 5

As I sit eating this YUMMYY!!!!!!! This is so good Thank You for sharing!!! I made mine at work with a magic bullet and it is AWESOME!!! Made it very sweet and salty and am eating it over a ripe banana. Jodi

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Teacup: Yay! I'm glad you're excited. the Best part about making your own seed and nut butters is you get to control how much sweetener and salt : )

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Zeke, I definitely think using a mortar and pestle would help to avoid raising the temperature. You could grind it into a fine powder that way and then add in the oil, salt and sweetener. It will take a little longer and a bit of elbow grease, but will probably work just fine. I would recomend using something hard and heavy like a stone mortar and pestle because it is easier to grind harder seeds than using the wooden kinds. Good luck!

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Do you think using a mortar and pestle would work to avoid raising the temperature of the seeds? I use one for most other recipes requiring a blender but I've never tried making nut butter that way. I know most raw food diets don't require such extremes i.e. no blenders, but let's just say the people I'm cooking for are that specific on the preparation of raw foods.

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I had sunflower seed butter from trader joes over a year ago, it was delicious but too sweet to buy again. i'm really excited about this!

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no, but be free. do what you want. you can soak them, dehydrate them and then make the butter.

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Do you soak the sunflower seeds first?

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