This recipe is basically the lemon cookie recipe, except for the lemon zest, I use orange zest, a little orange juice, and add a couple tablespoons of cacao.
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    Bakers dozen or so; I use a 1 1/2 tablespoon scooper to make them
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Recipe Directions

1. Process cashews into a sticky consistency.

2. Add the rest of ingredients to combine well.

3. Scoop macaroons on a tray.

4. Dehydrate for 10-12 hours or until desired texture is achieved.

Chefraw16's Thoughts

By chefraw16

This recipe is basically the lemon cookie recipe, except for the lemon zest, I use orange zest, a little orange juice, and add a couple tablespoons of cacao.

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coconut dream - you should deff. try the lemon cookies posted by Kandace - i made it a few days ago and im making it agian today .. i almost ate it all b4 it went into the dehydrator

Sioen - in the descriptioin she says "a couple" so im guessing 2 lol

I am deff. going to try this recipe - sounds great!

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every time I've used the dehydrator I've been disapointed... =/

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Sorry about the leave out of the cacao..I used two huge tablespoons. you can use more,it all depends on how much chocolate you like:).......


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Sorry about the leave out of the cacao..I used two huge tablespoons. you can use more,it all depends on how much chocolate you like:).......

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coconut dream - you should deff. try the lemon cookies posted by Kandace - i made it a few days ago and im making it agian today .. i almost ate it all b4 it went into the dehydrator

Sioen - in the descriptioin she says "a couple" so im guessing 2 lol

I am deff. going to try this recipe - sounds great!

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how much cocoa powder? (it got left off the recipe I think)

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every time I've used the dehydrator I've been disapointed... =/

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sounds nummy!

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