i think this is the best smoothie i have had. it is very satisfying.it comes out so smooth and creamie. YUM YUM YUM
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Recipe Directions

put it all in the vita mix and zap on high for about 30 seconds

Jaymz72's Thoughts

By jaymz72

i think this is the best smoothie i have had. it is very satisfying.it comes out so smooth and creamie. YUM YUM YUM

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19 votes
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yes, you could freeze it and it would be great like icecream. if you want to add sweetener id put some agave in it

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wow....do you think sweetener would be good? It sounds a little heavy for me...maybe i could freeze it like ice cream...ooh, that might be good..ya think?


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yes, you could freeze it and it would be great like icecream. if you want to add sweetener id put some agave in it

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wow....do you think sweetener would be good? It sounds a little heavy for me...maybe i could freeze it like ice cream...ooh, that might be good..ya think?

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