Do you remember what chocolate milk tastes like? Well I don’t, but this is good! Chocolate milk loving kids, come and get it! Sorry, I would have posted a picture, but I chugged mine too fast.

Recipe Directions

1. Place all ingredients in the blender and blend.

Humanimal's Thoughts

By humanimal

Do you remember what chocolate milk tastes like?

Well I don’t, but this is good!

Chocolate milk loving kids, come and get it! Sorry, I would have posted a picture, but I chugged mine too fast.

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Just coconut water? Without the meat?

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this tastes great! I am not a big chocolate fan, but I really liked this. Itreally hit the spot! I would have taken a pic, but I drank it too fast... lol!

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I think the carob plus the carob makes a really good flavor. Try it out !


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this tastes great! I am not a big chocolate fan, but I really liked this. Itreally hit the spot! I would have taken a pic, but I drank it too fast... lol!

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Just coconut water? Without the meat?

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sounds delicious

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I think the carob plus the carob makes a really good flavor. Try it out !

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