This is adapted from a recipe that was originally posted by Sweetlips on Raw Food Talk, and then adapted by Rawkinlocs. They are rumored to taste like a certain pizza chain’s Crazy Bread. I don’t know about that, but they sure are tasty!  

Recipe Directions

1. Blend all of the ingredients until smooth. Apparently, you should not use green peppers for these crackers. I usually use half red pepper, and half yellow, which gives the crackers a lovely flavor and color.

2. Pour onto a Teflex sheet and use a spatula to score into squares.

3. Dehydrate at 115 Fahrenheit overnight, or at least 8 hours. Then flip over onto the mesh sheet, and dehydrate until the crackers are crispy, approximately another 6-8 hours. If you like, you can sprinkle a little more sea salt on the top of the crackers.

Crisyn's Thoughts

By Crisyn

This is adapted from a recipe that was originally posted by Sweetlips on Raw Food Talk, and then adapted by Rawkinlocs.

They are rumored to taste like a certain pizza chain’s Crazy Bread. I don’t know about that, but they sure are tasty!


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Oh my God! That is waaaaaay different from how mine turned out to be!! Mine was cheeeew-weeeee!!casino en ligne

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These are the BEST! I always make a double batch. My 2 and 3.5 yo love munching down on them plain or as a sandwich with avocado in between. I take them out of the dehydrator a little early so they are more like a soft flat-bread rather than a cracker. A MUST TRY!

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I've got these in the dehydrator now. The blend tastes great, but my crackers aren't getting crispy. They were in overnight, then flipped, and dehydrated for most of the day. They're tasty, but I'm wondering if I've done something to mess up the consistency.


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Oh my God! That is waaaaaay different from how mine turned out to be!! Mine was cheeeew-weeeee!!casino en ligne

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sv3's Review

"Crazy Bread" Crackers
4 out of 5

These are good! They're tangy and full of flavour.

I was aiming to make mine more of a bread but spread the mixture quite thin and left them in longer than I meant to so they turned out crispy. Still very nice though.

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Ok I made these and they turned out great! I didn't soak the cashews but did soak the sun dried toms.

Details and a photo are on this blog posting

page down a bit for the crazy bread I call 'red pepper flatbread'

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Hello, has anyone made these recently. I like the fact that there are not flaxseeds or buckwheat. My husband is very picky and doesn't like any types of bread or crackers with those two ingredients. So this looks great

Quick question: Did anyone soak the cashews and sun dried tomatoes??

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Hey guys, do we soak the nuts and sundried tomatoes first or no? I need a little clarification please? Anybody?

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These are the BEST! I always make a double batch. My 2 and 3.5 yo love munching down on them plain or as a sandwich with avocado in between. I take them out of the dehydrator a little early so they are more like a soft flat-bread rather than a cracker. A MUST TRY!

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I made these over the weekend and just had them for dinner, they are absolutely yummy! Next time I have to make a bigger batch :-)

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Did you pre-soak the pine nuts (or cashews) for this recipe? I would ask the same about the sun dried tomatoes, but I'm automatically assuming yes for those.

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its the sundried tomatoes that give crackers and breads the chewy texture, just leave out the sun dried toms for a crispy texture!

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If you were to sub regular old onion and garlic for the powders, does anyone know how much would be good to put in? I don't have any onion or garlic powder... :o(

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The almond bread I was referring to is the Mediterranean Almond bread by Russell James. Here is the link: "Russell James' Mediterranean Almond Bread":

It's really tasty, and super versatile! Enjoy!

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Hi Crisyn! This sounds wonderful! Im about to start making it. I read a comment somewhere-- oh! The eggless egg salad-- about you using almond bread. Is that posted somewhere?? If not, could u please tell me how to make it? Thanks!

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I love these crackers, and I make them often. But, my crackers never come out really crispy either. I use them as a replacement for bread to make sandwiches with the raw bacon, or un-tuna, etc. Any savory-flavor sandwich that I might be craving. Also, I have put tomatos, etc. on to make like a bruschetta. This is a very versatile recipe!

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I've got these in the dehydrator now. The blend tastes great, but my crackers aren't getting crispy. They were in overnight, then flipped, and dehydrated for most of the day. They're tasty, but I'm wondering if I've done something to mess up the consistency.

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Oh I make these all the time. I love red bell pepper and sundried tomatoes in my crackers and raw breads. For parties and special occasions try pressing pignoli nuts and pieces of black olives into the surface, and instead of adding the sea salt to the blend, press rough and large grind of sea salt into the surface too. But with this recipe you just can't go wrong. Its great!

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