Recipe Directions

1. Open coconut and drain water into a cup. Sneak a few sips.

2. Scoop out all the meat and throw into blender. Add all the rest of the ingredients and however much of the water you need. (sometimes there’s too much.)

3. Blend until completely smooth.

Morning_theft's Thoughts

By Morning_theft

This was inspired by rawmumma’s raw-eo smoothie, and perked me up very nicely before I had to go to work.

If you have any leftover coconut water or smoothie, drink it or send it to me. Enjoy!

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Sounds really good!

24 votes
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It´s a total supersmoothie with the goji and the maca and the cacao. Too bad i haven´t been able to find young coconuts in my city :( But this sounds so so great.

23 votes
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just made it again! i'm really starting to like this recipe, it really picks you up=)


12 votes
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Very yummy! I used figs instead of dates. I'll have to make it again soon. Thanks for the recipe!

15 votes
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I use the entire coconut.

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Hey are you using just the coconut juice or both the juice and the coconut meat/gel? Got the stuff here and ready to have for breakfast in the morning.

19 votes
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Heh, after I read this comment I made it for myself again, I had to... I was buzzing around at work for hours.

23 votes
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just made it again! i'm really starting to like this recipe, it really picks you up=)

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24 votes
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It´s a total supersmoothie with the goji and the maca and the cacao. Too bad i haven´t been able to find young coconuts in my city :( But this sounds so so great.

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20 votes
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wow, life is strange. i just got home like an hour ago with two young cocnuts and a ginormous bag of goji berries. and then i go on this site and its the first recipe that pops up!

thank you!!! it was DELICOUS!!

15 votes
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Grr! i wish i had a young coconut and goji berries right about now. It sounds awesome!

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Sounds really good!

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