Recipe Directions


1. Grind up the nibs and nuts separately in a high power blender or coffee grinder.

2. Transfer to a mixing bowl with the lucuma and agave.

3. With your hands, mix the all the ingredients so you have an even powder. Add the water gradually, kneading the mixture into a ball with your hands. It should end up as a fairly thick dough-like consistency.

4. Press into a springform cake tin, and leave in the fridge to set for a few hours.


5. Put the avocado flesh in the blender along with the chocolate powder, agave, and water. If you don't have chocolate powder, you can substitute carob or mesquite.

6. Blend until you have a thick cream.

7. Once your cake is set, you can remove it from the cake tin, and spoon the icing evenly over the top and the sides.

8. Decorate with dried goji berries and cranberries sprinkled over the top.

Earthintruder's Thoughts

By earthintruder

This cake is absolutely amazing! It gives me a luxury “high.”

It has such nutritional value, you could eat it as a meal!

The recipe uses the metric system. I guesstimated, but it is very easy to convert.

Uneaten cake can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks.

This cake is perfect for birthdays or holidays! Enjoy! Peace and love!

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oh..for those of you who are wondering about is a very popular peruvian fruit. absolutly DELICIOUS. I have only been able to get the powder. You can get it from shazzie or David wolfes website.

You can really get creative with this cake. I sometimes add maca or a bit of crystal manna for an extra "high." Make it for your lovey and have more than a 'splendid' evening

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it's so pretty!

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Yum! What a great, rich cake. Thanks for the recipe!


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250g is approximately one cup--those are the measurements I use. Probably you'd want to stop using that conversion site, it seems pretty off.

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Can anyone convert the grams to US measurements? I went to an online converter and 250g = 2.5 cups. Surely this doesn't call for 2.5 caups of lucuma powder, right?

Thank you!!

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Yum! What a great, rich cake. Thanks for the recipe!

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it's so pretty!

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oh..for those of you who are wondering about is a very popular peruvian fruit. absolutly DELICIOUS. I have only been able to get the powder. You can get it from shazzie or David wolfes website.

You can really get creative with this cake. I sometimes add maca or a bit of crystal manna for an extra "high." Make it for your lovey and have more than a 'splendid' evening

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oh, I decorated with blueberries and favorite!

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