All ingredients can be changed in quantity to suit taste. I have one of these daily. This morning, I added goji berries, chia seeds, and some cacao butter.

Recipe Directions

1. Blend all till smooth. Add more frozen banana for a thicker shake or less for a milk shake.

Yambean's Thoughts

By Yambean

All ingredients can be changed in quantity to suit taste.

I have one of these daily.

This morning, I added goji berries, chia seeds, and some cacao butter.

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I'm not sure if your aware of this but by adding psyllium husk to your smoothie your canceling out a lot if not all of the nutrients and minerals because of the bulking properties of psyllium. Maybe the amount your putting in isn't enough to effect it but if you care its worth the research :)

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wow! that's sure to leave you zinging!!


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I'm not sure if your aware of this but by adding psyllium husk to your smoothie your canceling out a lot if not all of the nutrients and minerals because of the bulking properties of psyllium. Maybe the amount your putting in isn't enough to effect it but if you care its worth the research :)

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17 votes
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wow! that's sure to leave you zinging!!

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