Recipe Directions

1. Throw all in the blender and blend till frothy!

Ambikalee's Thoughts

By ambikalee

I prefer this milk over nut milk!

It is quick, easy, lighter, smoother, and fat-free. My kids love it.

It tastes slightly banana but not overwhelming! Enjoy!

Serve over Lydia’s raw cereal or drink it from the glass!

High in enzymes! Yeah, bananas!

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Thanks megan for telling me to search this one. good profile pic!

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LOL Ray!!!! I even snorted :o)


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Just made this and doctored it a bit! I wanted something very milk like that I could use on grawnola and such. I doubled the water content to thin it out, and added a few drops of lemon juice, and one more tiny tiny pinch of salt. I think that really did it! I didn't use vanilla btw cuz I was out, but used a drizzle of agave. It's a bit too sweet, so I will use vanilla next time, but it's great! Oh and I also added a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon..yum!

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Thanks megan for telling me to search this one. good profile pic!

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i just drank this and it is sooooo good. thanks!

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this recipe is seriously unbelievable! it couldn't be easier... or tastier! i find myself using it in just about everything.... well, almost :-)

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okay, I'll be the nerd of the day and ask a dumb question....I have never froze a banana before - you peel it first right??

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omshanti, have you ever had him try Raw milk??? sooooo good.. without the phlem! and it has lots of good enzymes and good bacteria! and you gotta try raw cream..... (soo yummy.. its pure healthy fat)

If you really have a problem with phem try to get Raw Goats milk.. it is the closest thing to human milk and its supposedly better then Raw cows milk as it produces NO phlem. But I have no problem with Raw Cows milk. I get my milk from Organic Pastures ( One thing though. the milk does change taste from week to week. as the cows are 100% grass/pasture fed and the cows have a very varied diet. sometimes the milk is awesome and really sweet.. and sometimes it has a bit of a "gamey" taste. but its still good!

hope that helps your husband.. I won't drink pasteurized milk.. organic or not.. it kills all the good stuff!

32 votes
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yumm. very light thirst quenching creamy

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So since I first saw this I think I have had it every day. I agree that it is better than nut milk. It's delicious and the frothy part is my favorite. I eat cereal more now because this is so convenient. Thanks!!

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this was a good change! used a frozen banana, a bit more water, and a touch of agave. i served it over mixed nuts, dates/raisins and rawnola...yum.

33 votes
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I just had this for an evening "snack" and it was great! I used a frozen banana cut up into chunks, and a handful of ice instead of just three ice cubes, and I used a whole cup of water instead of just one fourth. it was delicious.

27 votes
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I love this for breakfast! It light yet filling enough to get me through till lunch.

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this was wonderful! I wasn't feeling so great this morning and it was the perfect comfort!

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Super idea. It seems simple and sweet, the nut milks do annoy me sometimes, too much effort for too little yield! Bananas however...great idea, will be having it tomorrow over my buckwheat cereal!

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Why didn't I think about this already! I saw recipes before where people talk about just a banana and water smoothie... but this picture and calling it nana milk, made it really appealing. It was soooo good and easy!

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I just made this for my little ones and it was a hit!

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this is really good. I like mine real thin never did like the SAD cow juice much so this is perfect..

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Looks delish, will make some. Chai sounds soo yummy...

48 votes
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LOL Ray!!!! I even snorted :o)

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30 votes
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i love how quick and easy this is.

i add a little more water sometimes, as it can get too thick. definitely too thick for tea but PERFECT for cereals!

25 votes
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Great idea! Thanks!

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MMMMN! This sounds fab!!!! Does anyone happen to have Lydia’s raw cereal recipe Ambikalee suggested?

Thanks all!!!;)

31 votes
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Wow. That must be some seriously thick milk to stay in place when tilted to its side like that! ;)

28 votes
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Just made it and ate it with grawnola. Very good. !!!

35 votes
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This is great; it's simple and inexpensive to make and very, very tasty. I drank it just after my work-out this morning and it really hit the spot.

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