Recipe Directions

Part 1: Marinara Sauce


• ½ cup soaked sundried tomatoes
• 1 tsp agave nectar
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 2 tsp lemon
• 1 tbs olive oil
• Basil leaves, you call
• 1/8 cup of water

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Set aside.

Part 2: Assemble


• ½ cup soaked nuts – almonds or pecans
• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
• ½ tsp salt
• Marinara sauce (above)
• Parsley, as desired
• Italian herbs, as desired
• Half onion or shallots, chopped

Place in the food processor the nuts and process to crumbles. Add the rest of the ingredients.

Take the dough out of the food processor and roll into small balls. Place the balls in the dehydrator and dehydrate overnight. Enjoy with dips or topping for salads or just snack by itself.

Extra Recipe: Mock Cheddar Cheese


• 1 cup base cheese or any nut cheese left over
• Jalapeno (optional)
• 2 tsp Nutritional Yeast
• 1 tsp tumeric
• Drinking water

Mix until ingredients are all incorporated. Add water a tablespoon at a time until you get a rich, saucy consistency. Set it aside. Don’t forget to lick the spoon.

Cheflandria's Thoughts

By Cheflandria

This is a great snack or toppings for salad. It’s a good finger food for parties.

Perfect for mock cheddar cheese dip.

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Thanks cheflandria!!!! these look amazing!!!!

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Did you add the marinara sauce when you assembled the balls?

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For some reason I can't see the amounts for some ingredients. Can you tell me how much sun dried tomatoes, salt and nuts?



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For some reason I can't see the amounts for some ingredients. Can you tell me how much sun dried tomatoes, salt and nuts?


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Did you add the marinara sauce when you assembled the balls?

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Thanks cheflandria!!!! these look amazing!!!!

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