Why ever eat anything cooked again?
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Recipe Directions


1. Process the almonds and 4 dates together.

2. Press into a 20 centimeter round to make the base.


3. Grate the zest off the lemon and squeeze out the juice.

4. Blend with the kefir cheese and apricots and spread onto the base.


5. Blend the berries and dates and pour over the top. Alternatively, slice mango on top.

K8lyn07's Thoughts

By k8lyn07

Why ever eat anything cooked again?

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That strawberry cheescake recipe sounds amazing! But with the high price of raw cacao butter I might use all coconut butter, so I'll lose the white chocolate taste but should still be yummy!

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The recipe to make the Seed or Nut Milk Kefir will look something like this:

SNM Kefir


* 1 cup SNM

* 1 to 2 tablespoons of milk kefir-grains

* 2-cup glass jar with lid.


Add 1 cup of SNM in a 2-cup glass jar. Place a lid but do not seal the jar airtight, and let stand for 24 hours at room temperature. Strain the SNM-kefir from the grains by pouring into a strainer and collect the SNM-kefir as it strains in a suitable container. Wash the grains left in the strainer with chlorine free cold water. If you do not have chlorine free water just put them back into the jar after the jar is washed and repeat the process for your next batch

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How do you make raw kefir cheese?


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Can I just use a cashew or basic nut cheese instead of the whole kefir process/

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That strawberry cheescake recipe sounds amazing! But with the high price of raw cacao butter I might use all coconut butter, so I'll lose the white chocolate taste but should still be yummy!

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The best cheesecake I've had is Vanessa Sherwood's Strawberry Cheesecake.

White Chocolate-Strawberry Cheesecake by Vanessa Sherwood

2 cups fresh chopped strawberries

1 cup cashews (they do not have to be soaked)

3 oz melted coconut butter

1 oz melted cacao butter

1/4; cup light floral honey or agave

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1/4; teaspoon salt

Blend all of the ingredients in a vita mix or high speed blender until completely smooth.


1/2 cup brazil nuts

1/2; cup shredded coconut

Pinch of salt

1 heaping tablespoon cocoa powder

1-2 tablespoons agave

1-2 tablespoons cacao nibs

Seeds from 1/4; vanilla bean

Process the brazil nuts, shredded coconut, salt, cocoa powder and vanilla bean seeds in a food processor until fine crumbs. Add the agave and cacao nibs until the mixture just starts to stick together. Press into the bottom of a springform pan. If you are making a large cheesecake, feel free to double or even triple the recipe (crust and filling).

Pour the filling over the crust and chill or freeze until ready to serve. This recipe made two 4 1/2 inch by 1 1/2 inch cheesecakes.

Strawberry sauce:

1 cup strawberries

Agave nectar to taste

Blend or mash the strawberries and agave together. Pour over slices of strawberry cheesecake.

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both in some places, but i provided a link above to get them online

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Where do you get kefir grains? Health food stores or online??

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hmm... i thought the kefir grains were only bacteria and yeast, and therefore would be raw if youre making it with almond milk?

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The recipe to make the Seed or Nut Milk Kefir will look something like this:

SNM Kefir


* 1 cup SNM

* 1 to 2 tablespoons of milk kefir-grains

* 2-cup glass jar with lid.


Add 1 cup of SNM in a 2-cup glass jar. Place a lid but do not seal the jar airtight, and let stand for 24 hours at room temperature. Strain the SNM-kefir from the grains by pouring into a strainer and collect the SNM-kefir as it strains in a suitable container. Wash the grains left in the strainer with chlorine free cold water. If you do not have chlorine free water just put them back into the jar after the jar is washed and repeat the process for your next batch

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Hi Xian,

First you will need to have a non-milk based, raw almond or other nut/seed milk kefir. The directions are as follows, but I also find this website really informative - http://users.chariot.net.au/~dna/Makekefir.html#usual_method_for_kefir.

From "Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine" by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.:

Page 396

Kefir Preparation Process

1. First, make any seed or nut mylk with warm water. Follow the instructions "How

to Make Nut and Seed Mylks" at the beginning of this section. It is best to use plain,

unseasoned mylk made with water to begin the kefir process.

2. Follow the instructions provided with the kefir starter grains that you purchase.

3. Kefir may also be made by adding 1/4-1/2 cup of previously made kefir to the seed

mylk. Although this is an easy and efficient way to make kefir, it is not recommended for those

with candida.

You can experiment by adding any of your favorite spices to the finished kefir, or by adding flavorings such

as peppermint and vanilla extracts. You may want to sweeten the kefir with stevia. In order to preserve

the integrity of the culture, do not blend for more than 30 seconds.

Recipes followed for:

Cayenne Almond Kefir

Cinnamon Almond Kefir

Mint Sunflower Kefir

Vanilla Almond Kefir

Vanilla Sunflower Kefir

Warming Almond Kefir

So you need to add starter grains, which are probiotics (healthy for your digestive system) to the kefir to turn it into cheese. You can do this by purchasing a relatively low-cost probiotic starter, which will enable you to make your own vegan kefir whenever you want. To view the differences between kefir and yogurt, click here: http://www.midvalleyvu.com/Kefir.html

You can buy these starter grains here --> http://www.e-f-t.co.uk/psychologyandthegut.html

You can also look for kefir grains at your local whole foods store.


First make your kefir. Then, strain out the grains, and place the kefir in a porous container such as a cloth bag or a large paper coffee filter (as we did, supporting it with an old coffee filter holder) so that the whey can be collected as it drips out.

Cover and place your kefir in the fridge and in about day, after which the whey should have all dripped out, you have kefir cheese. Add some salt and herbs (to taste) to your cheese and enjoy.

These are some other ways to use kefir cheese, like in cheesecakes, to make cottage cheese, drinks, or lots of other ideas if you look on the internet.

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How do you make raw kefir cheese?

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