this is an easy and delicious dressing for salads or dippin veggies or whatever.
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Recipe Directions

just put it all in a blender and rock it out on high until its smooth and creamy. give thanks to the One from whom all powers of creativity and love will ever be flowing.

Baylorite's Thoughts

By baylorite

this is an easy and delicious dressing for salads or dippin veggies or whatever.

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Wow - Yeah, this is inspiration. :) I love creamy/nut-based dressings; high-calorie dressings are the key to my being able to eat large amounts of greens! Plus, now I know what to do with those raw pistachios I bought months ago :)


27 votes
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Wow - Yeah, this is inspiration. :) I love creamy/nut-based dressings; high-calorie dressings are the key to my being able to eat large amounts of greens! Plus, now I know what to do with those raw pistachios I bought months ago :)

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