Recipe Directions

1. Simply blend all of the ingredients in a food processor until they reach a creamy consistency. The lemon juice should help keep things moving.

Greenghost's Thoughts

By greenghost

Credit goes to Zoe for her amazing Cheese with Spring Onions and to Izhpt for her Cheezy Almonds. This recipe is sort of an amalgam of the 2, but with different spices & quantities of ingredients.

I thought I would post a version of seed cheese with pumpkin seeds as the main ingredient. (There is also a nice Lime Pumpkin Seed Pate by jim97ro.)

This won’t be a thin or runny cheese – i.e., there may be tiny bits of pumpkin seeds remaining, but it should be fairly smooth.

Remember to adjust spices to taste.

This recipe should last 3 to 4 days in the fridge.

PS: Just a suggestion, if you want this recipe to be a bit creamier then you may wish to grind your pumpkin seeds in a coffee grinder before tossing them in the food processor with everything else.

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Jodie 123's Review

Pumpkin Seed Cheese
5 out of 5

made this tonight and wow so yummy thanks for a great recipe

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Yeah it's nice to try a variety of nut or seed cheeses. I just made this one because I love pumpkin seeds so much... and the season is really starting.... There are pumpkin patches überall here. It's really awesome! :)

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I love pumpkin seed 'cheese' Thanks for posting it :)


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Never used garam masala before but I have a bottle now. How much should I put in?

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gulaygirl's Review

Pumpkin Seed Cheese
5 out of 5


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Jodie 123's Review

Pumpkin Seed Cheese
5 out of 5

made this tonight and wow so yummy thanks for a great recipe

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I can't find the lime PS pate by jim97ro. Do you have a link? I'd like to look it over as well.

I've got many pounds of PS that need to be used and I'm short on ideas. Anyone have any?

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I love pumpkin seed 'cheese' Thanks for posting it :)

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With a little magnesium oil just to change the taste a little bit. I'm not a cheese fan and if I want to eat cheese I need to disguise its taste a little bit. May seem strange for some of you, but there are many people in the world that do this.

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I love this. We had it tonight in a lettuce leaf with sunflower sprouts. I ground the pumpkin seeds in the coffee grinder without soaking them, skipped the ginger (husband hates it) and used meyer lemons and it was great, thanks!

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hi greenghost....thanks for a great recipe:)...i was hoping you wouldn't mind the picture ,since i noticed it replaced your original pic. if it ever is a problem, contact me on any of my recipes and i can delete it:) ...i love pumpkin seeds(gotta love anything green... hehe)

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sorry! I forgot HTML formatting doesn't work when commenting on recipes! I wanted to make line breaks ant the smiley faces bold.... oh well. Anyway thank you to the picture contributor!

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Many Thanks to the person who added the Cool Photo to this recipe that I posted!

You are very creative indeed! :)

Thanks Thanks Thanks!!!! :)

70 votes
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Yeah it's nice to try a variety of nut or seed cheeses. I just made this one because I love pumpkin seeds so much... and the season is really starting.... There are pumpkin patches überall here. It's really awesome! :)

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You could spread it on raw bread, or use it as a dip for veggies. Not really cheese like, but it is good. You can also spread it on raw pizzas. There are some other nut/seed "cheese" recipes one the site as well if you would prefer a differant base nut/seed.

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aimeerachelle ~ I think that would take a long time to hull the seeds. I just use the little 'pepitas' from the bulk bins at the health food stores...

beany ~ yeah it's kind of of green.... it is the color of the pumpkin seeds... :)

green is a great color though... much of nature is green (ok, now I'm babbling... sorry)

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could you do this with seeds right out of the pumpkin?

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beany im curious you have somethign against green? first the parsley in my white bread now this....hahahahaha happens to be my fav color!;0)

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Do you remember an old saying about someone who is always wanting what others have. "You can't see a bit of green cheese but you'd want a bit of it" lol

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Beany - why is it hard to use them because of their color? Just because it's not a cheese color, or is their something I don't know about the color being bad? We soak them when we eat them (for a while, like half a day ao a day just cause we like the way the taste that way and the enzyme thing) and when we dry them off in a towel some of the skin/color rubs off.

Recipe sounds good BTW!

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Thank you for the cheese recipe. I just ordered 5 pounds of pumpkin seeds. It is hard to use them due to their color. Because of the seed color and the parsley, is the cheese a real dark green?

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