This is a yummy Pesto Seed Cheese that can be eaten by itself, with sliced vegies, raw chips or crakers or used as a cheese for lasagna or pizza. Hope you like it!
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Recipe Directions

Put everything in a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Add more water if needed to keep mixture moving. Adjust saltiness according to taste. ENJOY!

Luv-2B-raw's Thoughts

By luv-2B-raw

This is a yummy Pesto Seed Cheese that can be eaten by itself, with sliced vegies, raw chips or crakers or used as a cheese for lasagna or pizza. Hope you like it!

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luv-2B-raw's Review

Basil Pesto Seed Cheese
5 out of 5

Most of my pictures have disappeared from Gone Raw, so please be sure to check my blog for pictures. I'll be adding all my recipes with as many pics as I can find. So check back from time to time. Please also feel free to leave requests or comments. Thanks!

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is there something i can use instead of kelp?

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Sounds wonderful Melanie! Yes, I'm glad you adjusted this recipe to suit your own taste.

I consider every recipe a Jumping Off point. I mostly don't work from recipes & just create

as I go to my personal taste. Glad you enjoyed it! :)


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Sounds wonderful Melanie! Yes, I'm glad you adjusted this recipe to suit your own taste.

I consider every recipe a Jumping Off point. I mostly don't work from recipes & just create

as I go to my personal taste. Glad you enjoyed it! :)

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Sure sobizaar, You could leave out the kelp & add a dash or more of salt.

I just used the kelp to get more wonderful sea minerals & iodine which

is so vital.

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luv-2B-raw's Review

Basil Pesto Seed Cheese
5 out of 5

Most of my pictures have disappeared from Gone Raw, so please be sure to check my blog for pictures. I'll be adding all my recipes with as many pics as I can find. So check back from time to time. Please also feel free to leave requests or comments. Thanks!

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I never have. But I guess if you want a harder cheese you could do that. Thanks for the idea Marysia!

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After you blend it. do you put it in a cheese cloth to drain?

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is there something i can use instead of kelp?

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I made this recipe tonight, and I liked it a lot. I made half the proportions and watered it down a bit to use as a sauce over kelp noodles.. However, I adapted the ingredients a bit. I found I wanted more flavor, so I added 6 cloves of garlic, a bit more kelp and about 3 TBs of dulse. I used a whole container of basil from Trader Joe's for just half the recipe, so I think if I'd made the entire proportion, I would have needed a huge quantity of basil (to suit my taste buds anyways.) I think this is a good basic recipe which can be adapted for various desires. It's very filling and hearty. Thanks for the recipe!!

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