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8 cups
Recipe Directions
Soak 1/2 cup of organic pastry wheat seeds 8 hours. Drain and rinse the seeds. Rinse twice a day for 3 days to sprout. Process the seeds in a food processor to make a coarse mash. Put the mashed seeds in a half gallon jar and fill with water. Stir it up with a spoon twice a day for 3 days or until it tastes like nice strong lemonade. You can use the seeds a second time but it is not as good so I just use them once. Here’s a great shortcut that saves a lot of work. Soak and sprout 2-3 cups of seeds. Use 1/2 cup and put the rest in the refrigerator. Now you don’t have to start all over again. Just take out 1/2 cup at a time, put in a half gallon jar, add the water and stir for 3 days. This shorfcut is great for anything sprouted. Cuts the rinsing and soaking down to 1/4 – 1/6th of the work. Sprouted seeds can be put in the refrigerator and they will stop growing but stay live.
Grassdude's Thoughts
This is the mother of all drinks, loaded with enzymes and you can make 1/2 gallon with $.25 worth of ingredients. If you get hungry an hour after you drink a smoothie, just start sipping some rejuvelac. It will fill you up and give you a buzz. Bonus—The rejuvelac can be used to make seed cheese and other cheeses and yogurts.
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Aug 06, 2010
Does it need to be kept covered while fermenting?
Aug 06, 2010
Are pastry wheat seeds the same as red wheat seeds or berries???
Aug 06, 2010
To answer waterbay12347 and Carmentina, Pastry wheat seeds are different from red wheat, they are lighter in color and the grain is slightly smaller. They are readily available, but the ones I got at Whole Foods did not sprout. Worse case scenario if you cannot get good seeds locally, you can order them on the internet from a reputable seed company. I got mine from Steve Myerowitz http://www.sproutman.com/ I just cover the jar with plastic screen secured with a rubber band, I think it is better to let a little air get in.
Nov 22, 2010
Is it really this cheap to make? I'm new to raw and never made rejuvelac or even seen it before...and on a really tight budget.
Is Whole Foods the only type of place I could get the grains...I've never seen anything cheap in there. In NYC, we used to call it "Whole Paycheck" :p
Aug 06, 2010
To answer waterbay12347 and Carmentina, Pastry wheat seeds are different from red wheat, they are lighter in color and the grain is slightly smaller. They are readily available, but the ones I got at Whole Foods did not sprout. Worse case scenario if you cannot get good seeds locally, you can order them on the internet from a reputable seed company. I got mine from Steve Myerowitz http://www.sproutman.com/ I just cover the jar with plastic screen secured with a rubber band, I think it is better to let a little air get in.
Aug 06, 2010
Does it need to be kept covered while fermenting?
Aug 06, 2010
Are pastry wheat seeds the same as red wheat seeds or berries???
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