Recipe Directions

1. Slice zucchini thinly to make wide strips. Layer them lengthwise on a plate.

2. Blend all other ingredients except for Marinara Sauce, adding a bit of water (with lemon squeezed in it) until the mixture is ricotta-like.

3. Spread mixture on zucchini and roll up, width-wise. Top with Marinara.

Buffalorising's Thoughts

By buffalorising

My 13 month-old loved this!

She stood nose to nose with me and kept dipping her pointer finger in the “ricotta cheese” mixture as I ate my lasagna.

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35 votes
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I still have so many zucchinis over from my garden harvest this season. I am definitely going to try this one out tomorrow. It looks like a caneloni which I used to love before I became vegetarian vegan at the age of 24.

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turnips could also be a substitute of zucchini.

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Just made this and loved it. Thank you for sharing this.


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Just made this and loved it. Thank you for sharing this.

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do you know if any nuts besides almonds would work in this recipe? sounds great!

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turnips could also be a substitute of zucchini.

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35 votes
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I still have so many zucchinis over from my garden harvest this season. I am definitely going to try this one out tomorrow. It looks like a caneloni which I used to love before I became vegetarian vegan at the age of 24.

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Is all mustard raw or do you have to get a special kind of mustard?

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this looks amazing. I'm going to have to make this SOON. (:

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I made this but ended up just making it like layered lasagna. It was great! This is the best raw lasagna I have ever had!

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As a substitute for the raw zucchini - what about cucumber, jicama or daikon radish slices?

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ambikalee, I checked out your website and was glad to see you recommend Green For Life. I was just looking at that and a few other books on and wanted to get an opinion before I bought it. Sounds really good!

I am new to raw foods, and am relying heavily on zucchini for pasta dishes, so if anyone does know of an alternative, it'd be welcome (although I love the zukes)

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Does anyone have a substitute for raw zucchini it gives me instant upset stomach and gas,,

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Tomorrows lunch sorted!! Looks gorgeous!!x

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Looks Delicious!!!

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