For a quick snack, I love to spread this on raw crackers topped with a “cheese” sauce and whatever I have cut up in the fridge.
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Recipe Directions

Place sun dried tomatoes in 16 ounce container and fill with water. Soak for 1 hour. Drain tomatoes and save soak water.

Combine sun dried tomatoes and fresh tomato in blender. Add enough soak water to allow blender to turn freely. Add more water if needed, to achieve the consistency of a thick sauce or paste.

Blend in garlic, agave, basil, oregano, salt and cayenne. Play with the amount of sweetener and spices to get the taste right for you.'s Thoughts


For a quick snack, I love to spread this on raw crackers topped with a “cheese” sauce and whatever I have cut up in the fridge.

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This looks lovely, will be trying very soon...


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This looks lovely, will be trying very soon...

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