Recipe Directions

1. In the morning, soak kelp noodles in warm water with salt, dried basil, thyme, raw garlic powder, and raw onion powder for 5-6 hours. The noodles should be perfectly wiggley. :)

2. Add in the sun-dried tomatoes and let them soak the last hour or so until sweet.

3. Wash the shiitake mushrooms and set them aside.

4. In a small bowl, mix 2 drops of olive oil, dried thyme, and basil and mix with a spoon.

5. Rub the mushrooms in the mixture and make sure it gets all over.

6. Place the mushrooms in the dehydrator for 1-2 hours on 110 Fahrenheit.

7. In another small bowl, mix the remaining olive oil, chopped cilantro, onion, garlic, agave, and almond butter and let the flavors mingle.

8. 30 minutes before the mushrooms are ready, spread some of this mixture on the bottom of each mushroom but save a tablespoon for later. Let the mushrooms dehydrate with the oil on top.

9. Once the mushrooms and noodles are done, drain the noodles and tomatoes and plate. Grab the mushrooms and mix into the noodles. Top with garlic/agave drip and salt and pepper to taste.

Lovin' My Sunshine's Thoughts

By Lovin' My Sunshine

This is incredibly amazing! I couldn’t believe how good it tastes.

It triggers all of the taste buds perfectly. Salty, garlic-y, sweet, nutty, yummy. I don’t know what else to say.

I hope you try it otherwise you’ll be missing out!

It’s super easy, too. I mean, if I made it, I promise you can make it. 


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Where can I order raw kelp noodles? This really good. I love all your recipes.

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Angie - Make them! Just dehydrate chopped onion and garlic until all the moisture is gone and pop it into the coffee grinder.

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Looks Delicious. Are kelp noodles raw?


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Looks Delicious. Are kelp noodles raw?

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I order from but at the moment the site seems down.

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Where can I order raw kelp noodles? This really good. I love all your recipes.

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Angie - Make them! Just dehydrate chopped onion and garlic until all the moisture is gone and pop it into the coffee grinder.

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Angie - Make them! Just dehydrate chopped onion and garlic until all the moisture is gone and pop it into the coffee grinder.

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Angie - Make them! Just dehydrate chopped onion and garlic until all the moisture is gone and pop it into the coffee grinder.

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Angie - Make them! Just dehydrate chopped onion and garlic until all the moisture is gone and pop it into the coffee grinder.

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This looks yummy! Where do you get the raw garlic & onion powders?

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Oh, this sounds really good. I love mushrooms.

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Sounded really good when you were telling me over msn.

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