Good soup base for raw soups and chowders.
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  • Yield

    Around 6 cups
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Recipe Directions

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. Sprain the mixture through a strainer.

Humanimal's Thoughts

By humanimal

Good soup base for raw soups and chowders.

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33 votes
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Thanks, I was looking for a recipe for veg stock.

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This is simple and I have every thing! Cool!

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This looks good, thanks! I've been looking for something like this


32 votes
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This is simple and I have every thing! Cool!

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This looks good, thanks! I've been looking for something like this

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Thanks, I was looking for a recipe for veg stock.

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22 votes
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Thank you! I needed a stock for use in converting my favorite cooked soup recipe. This should do the trick.

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