Recipe Directions

  • 1. Place walnuts in a food processor. Process them until they are in very small uniform pieces (Mindi suggests that they should resemble cous cous.). Transfer the ground walnuts to a bowl.
  • 2. Place chopped zucchini in a food processor. Process the zucchini until it's in very small pieces. Add the processed zucchini into the bowl that already has the walnuts in it.

  • 3. Add ground flax, hemp seeds and salt to the bowl.

  • 4. Stir well until fully mixed. Add enough water to make spreadable dough ( 1/2 to 1 cup)
  • 5. Spread the batter onto two dehydrator trays.
  • 6. Dehydrate at 115 degrees for the first hour, then lower to 105 degrees for the remaining time. Once they start to stay together very nicely (after a couple of hours in the dehydrator), remove them from the dehydrator. Take a knife and "cut" where you want your cracker lines to be. Once they're done (I dehydrate these for approximately 12 hours in total, because I eat them so fast that I like to leave a tiny bit of moisture still in them. You may need to leave them in longer depending on your batter and the moisture in the air), you'll be able to simply snap them along the lines that you made in the dough.
  • 7. You'll know that they're done when they look and taste like delicious crackers and snap easily. If they're still kind of wet or doughy, they are not done.
  • 8. Serve with thinly sliced tomatoes, avocado, sprouts, etc. They're crackers, so do whatever you like with them! Store them in a tightly sealed container.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

These buttery raw walnut zucchini crackers are to die for. Warning: Once you make these crackers you'll never be able to go back to normal raw crackers. Consider yourself warned.

These crackers have been described as the raw food alternative to the "Ritz Cracker." Well, perhaps they don't taste exactly like raw Ritz Crackers, but they sure are savory, buttery and they melt in your mouth. Pure raw cracker bliss!

Mmm, serve with thinly sliced tomato and/or avocado... TO DIE FOR!

This raw cracker recipe requires a dehydrator.

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 64 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Carbohydrates.
  • This recipe is low in Calories.
  • This recipe is a good source of Protein, and Vitamin B6.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Dietary Fiber, and Iron.

Amounts per 88 g (3 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 312 13 %
Protein 9 g 16 %
Fat 29 g 36 %
Carbohydrates 9 g 3 %
Dietary Fiber 5 g 16 %
Sugars 2 g
Calcium 62 mg 6 %
Iron 2.1 mg 16 %
Sodium 442 mg 19 %
Source: USDA, The Rawtarian

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Sha's Review

Raw cracker recipe - Buttery walnut zucchini crackers
5 out of 5

I LOVE these!!!!

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xox Sha

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I am making these tomorrow and adding some fresh rosemary. Wish me luck!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Luck Randie!!

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What is the cooking time overall, roughly? I need some sort of idea so I know if I can leave them in the dehydrator while at work, for example.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Hi Jennifer, 6-12 hours depeneding on humidity :)

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I've got them in the dehdrater now and I added purple chive flowers...they look great

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Awesome Tera! Love those purple chive flowers. I've got them in my garden too, 'cept the flowers haven't bloomed yet. You must be somewhere warmer than me :)  (I am in Canada)

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I love these walnut zucchini crackers..I am going to make some for my friend!!

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Your friend is me, right? ;) I love them too, but haven't made them lately. I can't wait for zucc season!!!!!!

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I made these yesterday with almonds as I did not have walnuts on hand. I was literally opening the dehydrator every hour or so and picking/eating around the edges that were dry. They are really, really good! I will definitely try them with walnuts next time, but soaked almonds worked very well as they are disappearing quickly!

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When they disappear quickly it is a sure sign of success!

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Just beginning the raw journey and LOVE this site. These crackers are the first that we have made that we have REALLY loved and so are the first in our recipe file. Also I took some to a party and everyone asked for the recipe and/or asked me to make them some so I am making a full dehydrator batch this weekend.

To Janie: The edible hemp is a completely different species of hemp to that which makes you high which is why it is legally available

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You're very welcome, Helena. Sounds like they (and you!) were a hit at the party!

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Hello, I just borrowed a dehydrator from a friend and besides kale chips your cracker recipe was one of the first things I've tried. Boy am I glad!!! Love them! I let them run on 105 (after the 115 to start) for over a day. They still had a little softness in areas that were thicker but for the most part crisp so I thought they must be done.

Here is my question: They are addictive, and I've been munching on them since the batch started...(Had to check all the stages you know LOL!). I'm trying to eat healthier, and trying to loose weight due to a hip problem, to get weight off my joints. I know the nuts and seeds in this recipe are "healthy" fats...but still fat. Should I limit these or can I eat as many as I want? What is your opinion?

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Hi Barbara, so glad you are enjoying this recipe! In terms of weight loss, it will really depend on the bigger picture of what else you eat. They are generally quite heavy crackers, so it's a good idea to pair them up with some veggies. I love to serve the crackers with alfalfa sprouts and tomatoes on top.

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I've got a question for you about these delicious crackers, Laura Jane. My son is in the Navy and he'll be home from deployment next week. He quit smoking this January and is purposely eating healthier too. I, of course, want to introduce him to the health benefits of Raw Food and would like for him to sample these crackers. Do you (or anyone else reading this) know if the hemp hearts in this recipe would make him test positive on the random drug testing that all military personel is subject to? Thank you for any info you could offer.

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Hi Janie, unfortunately I have no idea, but I highly doubt it - but I wouldn't want to compromise his career so might be best to stay away from having him risk it! The good news is that there'll be more for you :)

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Laura Jane, you are SO right about these crackers. I made some last night and can't believe how good they are. Think I might add some sesame seed next time, just to play; but they are spectacular exactly as they are. I brought them in to work and my SAD eating co-workers love them too. Way to go!!! Thank you SOOO very much!!

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Hi Janie, anything the coworkers love is a definite hit!

I also have a veggie burger recipe that uses the hempseed hearts and they are really good too, although not quite as "buttery" as these crackers though :)

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I made this crackers yesterday - OH. MY. GOD. Why did I wait so long? Actually I waited because I didn't have a food processor, and my friend just bought me a Ninja. Anyway, I used sesame seeds instead of hemp seeds, which Fred Meyer didn't carry. Absolutely delicious! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. These are just what my 100% raw diet was missing! You are my hero! LOL

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Hi Liane, I am so glad that you enjoyed them!! And congrats on your Ninja :) It will open up a whole new world of eating for ya! BTW, I loved your comment, It made me laugh out loud.

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Hi. Can I substitute a different nut? Not a fan of walnuts.

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Yes, you can definitely use pecans instead of walnuts. It will turn out beautifully with them

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These crackers are excellent! So very tasty AND easy to make...I've got another batch in the dehydrator right now! :) Thank you for sharing the recipe. Love your website!

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