Recipe Directions


1. Grind the pecans to a fine powder in a processor.

2. Add the cinnamon and cacao and then start adding agave nectar until the consistency is sticky and the sweetness is satisfactory.

3. Press into a glass pie dish or something deep enough.


4. Process the apples (reserving a few slices to dice and slice super thin for decoration), carrots, raisins, and flax seed.

5. Add the oil and salt and taste to decide if you’d like to add cinnamon, agave, or who knows what else!

6. Once you’ve got the mixture tasting just right (for you), stir in the diced apple (about a 1/4 cup).

7. Pour the filling into the crust and spread smooth. Decorate with the leftover slices and chill or eat now.

Rachle's Thoughts

By rachle

Another happenstance of a pie. I hardly ever measure my ingredients.

I just throw things in that I have on hand and taste as I go, so you must feel free to do the same with this “recipe.”

Have fun!

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oops! That's cacoa powder, in case you're wondering!


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oops! That's cacoa powder, in case you're wondering!

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