Yummy tropical cookies for summertime treats!

Recipe Directions

1. Process cashews and buckwheat groats separately to a coarse grind in a food processor.

2. Combine in a large bowl.

3. Combine remaining ingredients and stir.

4. Shape each cookie by hand or use a small ice cream scooper and flatten the cookies onto sheet for dehydration.

5. Dehydrate at 105 Fahrenheit for 24 hours or more, depending on whether you want a chewy or crunchy cookie.

Dexter's Thoughts

By Dexter

Yummy tropical cookies for summertime treats!

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15 votes
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Wow, that looks awesome, what a great idea putting those together in a cookie. i will try this one.

12 votes
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yummmm, can't wait to try this one!

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new to this. do you buy the coconut already shredded? and where? how long did you soak groats?


11 votes
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new to this. do you buy the coconut already shredded? and where? how long did you soak groats?

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12 votes
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yummmm, can't wait to try this one!

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15 votes
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Wow, that looks awesome, what a great idea putting those together in a cookie. i will try this one.

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