This recipe was given to me by a friend. She got it from somewhere but it’s great. It satisfies my chocolate cravings! Enjoy!

Recipe Directions

1. Grind ½ cup of the almonds into a powder in a food processor and set aside.

2. Place the remaining cup of almonds and walnuts in a food processor and process until coarsely chopped.

3. Add the dates and the orange zest or almond extract and process until the mixture sticks together.

4. Add the chocolate chunks and pulse just to mix.

5. Form the dough into 2 inch round balls and flatten each ball slightly with the palm of your hand.

6. Roll each cookie in the almond powder. If desired, warm the cookies for a few minutes in a low oven or a dehydrator to melt the chocolate slightly.

7. Store refrigerated or frozen.

AliciaD's Thoughts

By AliciaD

This recipe was given to me by a friend. She got it from somewhere but it’s great.

It satisfies my chocolate cravings!


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This looks really good. It's great to have something that doesn't use flour. That's a big step for a lot of people to live without- chocolate chip cookies and flour.Thanks AliciaD!

37 votes
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a lot of things on this site aren't completely raw but they're good suggestions and very helpful and i appreciate them very much thank you AliciaD

33 votes
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I think I am going to try this with cocao nips and orange zest...I think they would be very tasty!


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AliciaD thank you so much, this is just what I was looking for and ya I'll use raw chocolate bar but I'll cheat with the almond extract. I agree with you, not everyone is a 100% raw, heck I'm on and off 100% LOL, percentage wise I would say I'm like 60-80% majority of the time. LOL Maybe someday but right now, I'm gonna enjoy these delicious cookies and not feel guilty about the almond extract. LOL!!!

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Thanx to those who appreciate this. I've met lots of people on here who would still try this altho its not 100% raw. I only shared it cuz I thought other pplz would be interested. And to those of you who have nasty things to say. Why are you on here if your not open minded? Plenty of pplz like it so if you dont...then dont try it! Keep your comments to yourself. If someone wants to be partially raw. Then good for them. Some is better than none! Be Happy & Be Healthy Everyone!!! :)

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raw chocolate bar: 1 part melted cacao butter 1 part cacao powder agave nector to taste and any other little things you'd like to add vanilla bean, super foods,coconut oil,celtic sea salt etc.

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a lot of things on this site aren't completely raw but they're good suggestions and very helpful and i appreciate them very much thank you AliciaD

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Take this off the site, its not raw.

39 votes
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This looks really good. It's great to have something that doesn't use flour. That's a big step for a lot of people to live without- chocolate chip cookies and flour.Thanks AliciaD!

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yeah my version isnt 100% raw but its easy to make it that i said it was given to me and i thought i'd share it.

33 votes
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I think I am going to try this with cocao nips and orange zest...I think they would be very tasty!

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27 votes
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There are raw chocolate bars nowadays.... or you can swap it out for cacoa nibs... And it's stated in the directions that you can use orange zest instead of the almond extract. So this could very easily be made entirely raw... and sounds great!

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I noticed that too. It still sounds good though...perhaps a good recipe for those in the transitional stage.

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Semi-sweet chocolate bar? Wassup widdat? That's not RAW!! Neither is almond extract.

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