I found a non-raw version of this recipe on a smoothie book, so I decided to change it into a raw one.
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Recipe Directions

1. Blend all ingredients together. Make sure to blend a few frozen bananas at once so the blender won't be slow.

Aimee14's Thoughts

By Aimee14

I found a non-raw version of this recipe on a smoothie book, so I decided to change it into a raw one.

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Aimee14's Review

Big Banana
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I've done something similar with bananas, nut milk and carob. It was never quite satisfying . . . probably missing the vanilla and sweetener. I think I'll try this combination next time. I'll probably start with a teaspoon of vanilla, though. A tablespoon sounds a bit overpowering.


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I've done something similar with bananas, nut milk and carob. It was never quite satisfying . . . probably missing the vanilla and sweetener. I think I'll try this combination next time. I'll probably start with a teaspoon of vanilla, though. A tablespoon sounds a bit overpowering.

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Aimee14's Review

Big Banana
5 out of 5

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