Recipe Directions

mix soaked dates,ACV and olive oil in blender until smooth then toss and massage well into the kelp noodles. you can make more of this dressing for the whole salad but i chose to use seasoned rice vinegar on the greens instead…not raw but lighter on my tum. then chop and toss greens, onions, sesame seeds ad the kelp noodle and toss some more then garnish with almonds and sprouts

Omshanti's Thoughts

By omshanti

this salads nonraw form has the sesame seeds, crunched up ramen noodles, 1/2 cup sugar and butter sauteed until crisp….so for this version i desided to add cukes and the kelp noodle instead. I garnished with roughly crunched dehydrated tamari almonds, sprouts and a few left over snow peas…very yum

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I'll have to research it to see if its the same... The ones I've had before come in water and everything on the package is in Japanese so I can't understand!

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Are kelp noodles the same as Shirataki (not the tofu 'shirataki' but the real kind) If they are there is hardly any taste though they are kinda rubbery and I shall celebrate the rawness! I'm def going to try this one- kelp noodles and boy choy in one!

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Giddy up omshanti I haven't tried kelp noodles yet, but this might the recipe to make me do it. If I am correct the kelp noodles are tasteless or do they have a fishy taste.


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I'll have to research it to see if its the same... The ones I've had before come in water and everything on the package is in Japanese so I can't understand!

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Im not sure if they are the same thing that nicci is talking about but they are pretty tastless, i rinse mine in warm water, and let them sit in the marinade for a bit before eating it softens them up more like "real" pasta! hope you guys like it, im having left overs for breaky!

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Are kelp noodles the same as Shirataki (not the tofu 'shirataki' but the real kind) If they are there is hardly any taste though they are kinda rubbery and I shall celebrate the rawness! I'm def going to try this one- kelp noodles and boy choy in one!

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Giddy up omshanti I haven't tried kelp noodles yet, but this might the recipe to make me do it. If I am correct the kelp noodles are tasteless or do they have a fishy taste.

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Thank you! I just happened to get an order of organic bok choy and Sea Tangle noodles. This is an excellent sounding recipe at a most opportune time.

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