A slightly sweet carrot bread. Good for breakfast with a bit of coconut butter.
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    1 dehydrator tray
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Recipe Directions

1. Process carrots and apple in a food processor until well chopped. Set aside in a medium bowl.

2. Chop dates and pecans in a food processor. Add to carrot apple mixture.

3. Grind chia seeds (coffee grinder works well for me). Add ground chia to carrot 'dough'.

4. Add liquid sweetener, salt, and cinnamon to taste.

5. Add date soak water if more moisture is needed.

6. Spread on dehydrator sheet about 1/4-1/2 inch thick.

7. Dehydrate at 145 Fahrenheit for 1 1/2 hours, and then turn down to 110 and dehydrate 8 hours or until desired moisture is achieved.

8. Cut into squares and serve with coconut butter or sweet spread.

Jillian's Thoughts

By jillian

A slightly sweet carrot bread.

Good for breakfast with a bit of coconut butter.

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34 votes
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Ya, I'm sure carrot pulp would work fine. It's great to be able to use pulp in recipes- I'll try that next time I make this. It might take more date soak water for additional moisture. Lemme know how it turns out! :)

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All I had left were pine nuts, so I used those instead of pecans. Delicious!! Thanks for sharing!

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do you think i could use carrot pulp in place of the carrots? i just juiced a crapload of carrots and don't wanna waste the pulp. this look soooo good though!! carrot cake is my favorite cake, so i'm sure this is a treat as well.


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I made this last night and eating it NOW!!!! OMG it is soooooo good!

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All I had left were pine nuts, so I used those instead of pecans. Delicious!! Thanks for sharing!

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this sounds wonderful

a nice change from the regular flax bread i have made

being that my dog ate all the carrots (ok i gave them to her one by one--)

i only have yellow zucchini left right now

so the pecans and dates are soaking

and i'll whip this up tomorrow

i only have two yellow zuc's so i may add in some celery or a turnip if i need more volume of veggies


sounds great. i'm sure it's going to turn out great.

p.s. sunday afternooon: my carrot bread took a green variation :) ~~

made with yellow zucc

fuji apple



sprouted ground flax

a tad of agave

2T maple syrup

2T Pure Synergy

sea salt


punkin pie spice :)

and some left over soaked pecan pieces

it's dehydrating now...just flipped it

*i made a small batch

both to test it

and because i had limited zucc

thanks again for the sweet bread idea :)


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I'm glad it turned out well! I've totally been looking for a good zucchini bread recipe- maybe a zucchini, walnut, prune combo?

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jillian, i made this today and i LOVED it. i subbed the carrots with carrot pulp and the dates with prunes. it was soo good!! i like it even better than regular carrot bread. we should try to come up with a zucchini bread recipe when zucchini is in season. my family grows them so i always have a ton in the summer.

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Ya, I'm sure carrot pulp would work fine. It's great to be able to use pulp in recipes- I'll try that next time I make this. It might take more date soak water for additional moisture. Lemme know how it turns out! :)

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27 votes
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do you think i could use carrot pulp in place of the carrots? i just juiced a crapload of carrots and don't wanna waste the pulp. this look soooo good though!! carrot cake is my favorite cake, so i'm sure this is a treat as well.

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