Easy, light, and crunchy pizza crust. You could make it into crackers too if you wanted.

Recipe Directions

1. Puree the zucchini in a food processor.

2. Then pour into a bowl, add the hemp seeds, and stir until the seeds are coated.

3. If you want you could add a pinch of salt at this point. Spread it onto a Teflex sheet.

4. Dehydrate several hours until firm.

5. Flip onto the lattice sheets that the dehydrator comes with. Dehydrate until very firm (a few more hours).

6. Serve with tomatoes, seed cheese, or whatever you like!

Bitt's Thoughts

By bitt

Easy, light, and crunchy pizza crust.

You could make it into crackers too if you wanted.

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potato :) (not potoe)

42 votes
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I think I might do this tonite. I am definitly craving weekend pizza and a movie!

35 votes
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oooh. i've never thought of this. nice!


7 votes
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Zucchini, Apples, hemp, Sea salt, half of sweet onion, half red onion, rosemary, thyme, Garl!c, chives, Brazilian nut Parmesan cheeze)

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

19 votes
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how thick did i spread it? it doesn't make a huge one so i just spread it about 1/4 inch thick in a circle.

jah i would love the pie recipe!

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potato :) (not potoe)

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22 votes
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mmm...I plan on having an "All American" raw dinner party this weekend for my non-raw (but open) friends: mushroom burgers, jimica fires, fresh ketchup, coleslaw, onion rings, mac and cheee, sweet potoe pie and vanilla ice cream! I think pizza would be great to add to the mix.

one question - how thin/thick did you spread the batter i.e. to the edges of the tray?


20 votes
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Yay - you posted it! You're my raw pizza crust hero :)

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oooh. i've never thought of this. nice!

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21 votes
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Mmmm I like this idea a lot! Definitely going to try it as soon as I get back home!

42 votes
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I think I might do this tonite. I am definitly craving weekend pizza and a movie!

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