This recipe is not mine. It was created by Philip McCluskey and posted on his Lovingraw website.  If you enjoy cauliflower like me, you have to try it! It's a beautiful and really tasty little snack. A big thank you to Lovingraw! 

Recipe Directions

1. Put it all in a gallon size zip-lock bag or a reusable Tupperware-type container and shake until your arms hurt.

2. You can make it cheesier by adding more yeast, greener by adding more spirulina, and you can make it sticky by adding raw honey (only do that if you are going to dehydrate).

3. You can eat it as-is (which is what Philip at Lovingraw states he usually does) or you can also dehydrate it overnight and it will shrink up into yummy little crunchy pieces.

Greenghost's Thoughts

By greenghost

This recipe is not mine. It was created by Philip McCluskey and posted on his Lovingraw website. 

If you enjoy cauliflower like me, you have to try it! It's a beautiful and really tasty little snack.

A big thank you to Lovingraw! 

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Oh, have just tried and eaten my first batch of this, very nice. I used two baby cauliflowers, which are about the size of a tennis ball and didn't dehydrate it. Has anyone tried adding cayenne pepper to it?

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this is the best thing to eat in the whole wide world... everyone needs to try it its amazing!!!

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Have looked suspiciously at this recipe for a few weeks, not knowing whether I should dare try it or not, but today I finally went to the market and bought a BIG head of cauliflower. The stuff is now in the dehydrator and OMG! it is outstanding! Thank's for posting. And to anyone hesitating out there, try it!


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gratefultobe's Review

Green Popcorn
5 out of 5

I really like this. The first time I didnt have spirulina but I added a bit of chili powder and it was perfect when I just wanted something quick out of the fridge. Today I made it with the spirulina and added some red pepper flakes, skipped the salt. So good and I dont feel like dehydrating it. Maybe next time. Looks so Christmas-y!

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I LOVE this stuff. This tastes nothing like popcorn but then I always thought that popcorn was a disappointment beyond its wonderful smell. Every crunchy, munchy bite of green popcorn is delicious. Like Pirawna, I coat the florets with oil and then sprinkle on the seasonings. I use cayenne instead of black pepper and reduce the salt by about half (otherwise it's too salty when dry). I can hardly get it in the dehydrator but I'm getting better... about half the batch manages to stay in long enough to get crispy! I'm going to try it next with broccoli and onions. The only thing I don't like is the green fingers, lips, etc. Reminds me of my long-time gone Cheetos days with the fake cheesy orange powder all over the place... LOL.

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Pirawna's Review

Green Popcorn
4 out of 5

Easy way to eat a whole head of cauliflower (or broccoli). I agree it doesn't taste like popcorn to me but its easy to POP them right into your mouth!

I found when throwing everything oil and powders into to a bag or bowl, it turned into glop that wouldnt stick. So I coat my veggies with oil first, then sprinkle in all the powders and mix. Perfect coating and it all sticks after dehydrating.

I keep forgetting to stock my spirulina, so I have used Super Seed powder, barley grass powder, and dulse flakes along with my Nutritional Yeast and all very yummy.

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Really nice, but not very popcorm like for me.

I have to go with the 'Better still hydrated" crowd. They were nice dehydeated, but tasted a lot more like crispy seaweed... which I love, but my DH doesn't. I found a lot of left over 'Green mush' made of yeast/algae which didn't coat the colliflower, so I put that in the dehydrator as well... I'm a tight fisted woman, and I'll just crush it down an make another batch tonight!

I think I might start taking this to work to have with lunch. They already think I'm slightly odd, this will confirm that for them.

You can use the core too (I did) it's not the same texture... but is very tasty. I'm strange, I actually prefer the core of brocolli and colliflower to the florettes.

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Whoa. This stuff looks and tastes just like Veggie Booty! I thought maybe I was crazy until I gave it to my husband and he said the same thing. We used to be so addicted to that stuff! So how come my 2-year-old would eat veggie booty by the bag but he won't touch this? Sigh.

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This was great without dehydrating. Yay for nutritional yeast! Yay for B12!

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OK, I just pulled some of these out of the dehydrator and although they were tasty, they were not nearly so delicious as when I left them fresh and crispy.

Definitely better not dehydrated.

Delicious, a favorite. Thanks!

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I used onions instead of cauliflower and dehydrated them. Fantastic onion rings!

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Ooh, no WAY am I going to be able to wait for this until tomorrow. I just made it & put it into the dehydrator, but I made the mistake of tasting just one little piece as I put it in. :P I left out the spirulina & added cayenne - about a teaspoon, I think. Good stuff! Thank you for sharing. :)

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These taste WAY better NOT in the dehydrator. I dehydrated mine (after putting raw honey on them) and they are too mushy and taste super salty. OH MY they are tasty before you dehydrate them. So bummed I put so much nutritional yeast on them and now after dehydrating yucky.I will be doing this though again and again and eating as is. Thanks for the recipe.

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I JUST hit 'send' on charging an excalibur dehydrator... this is gonna be my first recipe, fo sho.

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Delicious raw - thank you from someone who never liked cauliflower before (that's cooked cauli anyway). The rest is in the dehydrator to see how that will be.

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Ate it raw. Yum!

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Oh, have just tried and eaten my first batch of this, very nice. I used two baby cauliflowers, which are about the size of a tennis ball and didn't dehydrate it. Has anyone tried adding cayenne pepper to it?

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Izhpat -- Did you try this without the yeast? I'd love to know how it came out because (1) Nutritional yeast is not raw. (2) I am allergic to nutritional yeast (gives me an asthmatic type reaction). (3) I detest the flavor of nutritional yeast!!! Just ground raw pumpkin seeds, no other changes?

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zhanna8 - Philip McCluskey has a beautiful photo of this dish on his LovingRaw website.

It's his recipe and I listed the link above (in the recipe post).

Hope that you do get to check it out.

I didn't want to 'borrow' (copy & paste) his photo here because it is copyrighted PLUS I also am hoping that people will check out his website and give him the thanks for creating Green Popcorn. Cheers! :)

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would be nice to see a picture to see how it looks... sounds wonderful.. thanks!

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I'm so glad that so many people like this recipe as much as I do!

All thanks should go to Philip McCluskey from I hope people have been able to go to his website. I put the link above.

Cherie03- I use flakes. Right now I have 'Red Star' brand.

Genexs - yes I would like to try that combo sometime! Never had absinthe before, but the color is amazing!

And I like the idea of the Green Fairy living in the absinthe.

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Is the nutritional yeast powder or flakes?

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You could TRY subbing out nutritional yeast for ground raw pumpkin seeds. I do this when I make Cheezy Almonds, but I must say I have not tried this recipe to compare. I'm going to try the cheezy almond recipe w/ cauliflower instead and I'll let you know-

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Have looked suspiciously at this recipe for a few weeks, not knowing whether I should dare try it or not, but today I finally went to the market and bought a BIG head of cauliflower. The stuff is now in the dehydrator and OMG! it is outstanding! Thank's for posting. And to anyone hesitating out there, try it!

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this little treat is poppin, just made a half batch - added a litte cayanne for heat - it almost did not make it to the dehydrator

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this is the best thing to eat in the whole wide world... everyone needs to try it its amazing!!!

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Hey GreenGhost! I bet it's great with Absinthe! ;)

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My Dh has just turned to raw . He thinks I am torturing him. Hope this will change his mind. Bought 3 cauliflower after I read this recipe. Getting ready to put this new pop corn in the dehydrator,.


Left the green off. Dont think that would go over with DH

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