Recipe Directions

1. Cut peppers in half lengthwise (leave cap and stems on). Deseed and remove white pith. Set aside to dry.

2. Mix cheese filling in Vitamix.

3. Arrange peppers on mesh sheets and fill with cheese. Dehydrate at 115 Fahrenheit until they are to your liking – well over 24 hours in my case.

Suasoria's Thoughts

By Suasoria

Tasty little guys! The spiciness really depends on each individual pepper.

Look for jalapenos that are cheap and in season. I got a pound for a dollar.

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emilyjayne's Review

Jalapeno Poppers
4 out of 5

I made this one time and the jalapenos were super spicy! It certainly depends on the individual pepper! Thanks.

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Yummo! I LOVE spicy food! Thanks for sharing!

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chaosmystery's Review

Jalapeno Poppers
5 out of 5

These are amazing!!!

My boy and I gobbled them down like there's no tomorrow.

Both of us agreed that the cashew 'cheeze' was the most accurate cheese-like substance we've had as vegans. I think this is one of those special rawcipes that will not only make the rawbies happy, it has the potential to satisfy the SAD eater as well. That way you can have a picnic and keep everyone happy!

Thank you for these, Suasoria!


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bibia's Review

Jalapeno Poppers
5 out of 5

Just wanted to add my overall review on this recipe now that I’ve dehydrated the peppers for 12 hrs at 115 degrees, and I think they are much better in taste and texture before dehydration. Yes, the raw cheese filling is a tad runny when fresh, but that can be easily fixed by adding a few more cashews and less water, and soaking and rinsing the cashews beforehand for at least an hour, in which case no water adage is necessary since you’re adding 3 tbs of lemon juice, which will aid in the blending process. The dehydrated peppers turned crusty and, well, gross, on the outer skin and not like a potato chip that is crunchy but melts while chewing. So five stars for taste on this recipe before dehydration.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Hot pepper! So I’ve made these and now they’re going into the dehydrator for most likely 24hrs. It was a bit challenging to filet the seeds out and tedious, and I was hungry so I tried a few slices plain raw. I’m curious how they’ll taste dehydrated because in the raw they were delicious ?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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I love spicy food so much I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t. These poppers are currently in the making, can hardly wait till tomorrow to see how they turn out. The “cheese” filling is supposed to balance out the jalapeños’ hotness, or cancel it out, I assume. I know real cream cheese has that effect on peppers’ heat or heat of any hot sauces. I’m sure this recipe will be very tasty tomorrow, I’ll probably add the paprika as someone suggested.

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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holly storm cloud's Review

Jalapeno Poppers
5 out of 5

I make these all the time and they are just awesome! I generally leave the onion powder out and add some cilantro. So yummy!

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Mmm. If you're not strict about seasonings, you could add a pinch or two of smoked paprika or a drop of liquid smoke flavoring to the cheesy mixture.

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whenever I went raw the one thing I thought of was, no more bacon wrapped jalepeno cream cheese poppers from perinis, this famous steak diner .. i live in west texas. I AM SOOOOO HAPPY YOU SHARED THIS RECIPE. I can not wait to try it. YOU ROCK! I am going to make it tomorrow so by sunday I can snack alllllll day long on these :D Thanks so much!! Youve made my week/... life. haha.

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Bought a bag of jalepenos for 50 cents and thought POPPERS is the way to go!

Easy to make! These were great snacks to have on hand and I made a meal of them also with a big avocado and salsa salad to pair with them. No problem with "heat" at all with my jalepeno batch. Everyone was surprised at the mildness. But every jalepeno batch has its own personality.

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So glad you liked them! I think you're right about SAD eaters. My SAD stepdad loves spicy foods and he chows down on these without complaint.

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chaosmystery's Review

Jalapeno Poppers
5 out of 5

These are amazing!!!

My boy and I gobbled them down like there's no tomorrow.

Both of us agreed that the cashew 'cheeze' was the most accurate cheese-like substance we've had as vegans. I think this is one of those special rawcipes that will not only make the rawbies happy, it has the potential to satisfy the SAD eater as well. That way you can have a picnic and keep everyone happy!

Thank you for these, Suasoria!

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Tried one after 8 hrs in the dehydrator. Pretty good so far.

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emilyjayne's Review

Jalapeno Poppers
4 out of 5

I made this one time and the jalapenos were super spicy! It certainly depends on the individual pepper! Thanks.

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Yummo! I LOVE spicy food! Thanks for sharing!

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Oh. My. Gawd. You are a GENIUS!!!

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Nacho cheese peppers! Yummy idea

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