Place in pretty glass and enjoy the color as well as the taste!

Recipe Directions

1. Place all, except lime, in a blender. I used my Magic Bullet at work.

2. Squeeze lime juice into blender. Blend till smooth!


Ladyfiremedic5's Thoughts

By ladyfiremedic5

Place in pretty glass and enjoy the color as well as the taste!

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7 votes
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Sounds delicious! I would probably add baby spinach to mine.

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i can't wait to try this! i would never think of this combination of fruits.

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Mmm, I love plums and limes, and almond milk.. so I'm sure I'll like this.


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Mmm, I love plums and limes, and almond milk.. so I'm sure I'll like this.

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i can't wait to try this! i would never think of this combination of fruits.

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Sounds delicious! I would probably add baby spinach to mine.

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