I made this with an avocado instead of leafy greens and was pleasantly surprised with the results. This was a beautiful pink color, thick and creamy.

Recipe Directions

Put all of the ingredients in the blender and whiz away! With less water, this could be a pudding, a sauce or layered with nut crust to make a parfait.

Alpdesigns's Thoughts

By alpdesigns

I made this with an avocado instead of leafy greens and was pleasantly surprised with the results. This was a beautiful pink color, thick and creamy.

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Oh my this sounds tatsy! I'm 8 hours into a 24-hr water fast right now... think I need to stop reading recipes!! I'm HUNGRY. This sounds fabulous to break my fast with, though. :o)

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wow! Awesome!


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wow! Awesome!

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28 votes
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Oh my this sounds tatsy! I'm 8 hours into a 24-hr water fast right now... think I need to stop reading recipes!! I'm HUNGRY. This sounds fabulous to break my fast with, though. :o)

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