Sweet and creamy raw version of Ayurvedic pitta balancing drink. A truly divine beverage!

Recipe Directions

1. Well blend your almond milk, dates, and cinnamon until just a bit warm (room temperature) for a relaxing pitta balancing effect.

Deedee's Thoughts

By deedee

Sweet and creamy raw version of Ayurvedic pitta balancing drink.

A truly divine beverage!

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40 votes
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i made it this morgning and it was perfect, i did not have cinnamon and used 1 spoon of cacao powder... yaammmm!

33 votes
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We give it two thumbs up!

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I had no almond milk so made this we rice milk - added a small handful of almonds to the mix. Absolutelty delicious!!!


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I had no almond milk so made this we rice milk - added a small handful of almonds to the mix. Absolutelty delicious!!!

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This is absolutely wonderful!

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I tried this and man, it is crazy good!! A great pre workout snack!!!

26 votes
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Man I will have this one for Breakfast, sounds sooooooo good.

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What a sweet treat.

33 votes
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We give it two thumbs up!

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This was fabulous! A great treat!

40 votes
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i made it this morgning and it was perfect, i did not have cinnamon and used 1 spoon of cacao powder... yaammmm!

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nice innovation! my new thing is adding some raw cacao nibs and raw cacao butter for a chocolaty yum :)

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Just tried this with my 16-year old daughter, who will cautiously try most any non-meat food. We didn't have almond milk, so we used water and a heaping Tbsp of raw almond butter. We both LOVED it. It was pretty rich, so a little went a long way.

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