Recipe Directions

1. Begin prep for wild rice 2 days ahead of time. Soak for 12 hrs, rinse, and soak for 24 hrs longer. Drain and let set for 12 hrs. Rinse and let set for 12 more hours and it should be ready. If you don't use it all, it saves well in the fridge.

2. When the rice is ready, chop and combine and stir all ingredients in a bowl.

Shane titensor's Thoughts

By shane titensor

Sprouted wild rice pilaf that you won’t be able to turn away from.

A great dish for any season or occasion.

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Yup, real wild rice is green and inedible.

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This looks awesome!

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The fact that people who ate raw for a long time, didn't know that wild rice wasn't raw, probably means it's not bad for them.

"Sweet Brown Rice" will sprout, if anyone wants sproutable rice.

This dish looks soooooo good!


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ccp184's Review

Raw Wild Rice Pilaf
5 out of 5

hey this is really good! Love the addition of cumin

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where can you buy sproutable rice on the internet? (I live in Europe)

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This looks awesome!

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Yup, real wild rice is green and inedible.

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Wild rice is really the seeds of a stalks of tall aquatic grass... Ninety percent of all wild rice grows on or near the Chippewa White Earth Reservation in the Great Lakes region of the United States. Only the Indians are permitted to gather them, and they use the same methods that they did back in the days... this includes hitting the stalks with a stick, the grains then drop into the canoe and of course into the water where it not only reseeds, but it feeds the fish and ducks, and all the sort.

Stores today, sometimes have mixed rice that they call wild rice, but that's not real wild rice, what I wrote above is real wild rice...

With that, I conclude wild rice is a seed that can be sprouted.

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All wild rice is roasted to fairly high heat. Why folks call soaking it sprouting is strange. You are only re-hydrating it . It is NOT a raw food.

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The fact that people who ate raw for a long time, didn't know that wild rice wasn't raw, probably means it's not bad for them.

"Sweet Brown Rice" will sprout, if anyone wants sproutable rice.

This dish looks soooooo good!

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Wehani is brown rice.

What a beautiful recipe.

I love, love, LOVE wild rice. Sigh.

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Wait, you said it was brown rice? That is the only kind of rice that can be bought raw. Wild rice and white rice are dead cooked, but, did you mean you had gotten raw wild rice or brown rice?

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Really Jah? That's awesome!! :)

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hey gang- I have most certainly sprouted rice - tails and all. The brand I bought was called Wehani Wild Rice and it was in the bulf bins at Whole Foods. It looked more like a long grain brown rice - maybe this is why it sprouted?

Although - i must say it is quite chewy, but still a nice texture level if you include it in a dish with a hearty amount of liquid for it to marinate it.

my mouth is watering looking at the pic. thanks for sharing shane!

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it looks beautiful

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yes, however, you could easily make some "rice" with some butternut squash, jicama, or even cawliflower.

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That's too bad, coz no wild rice is raw :(. People claim it sprouts, but it's really just splitting. Oh well, maybe some day we'll be able to get raw wild rice!

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