Recipe Directions

1. For the shells: In a food processor blend nuts and seeds, then add sun-dried tomatoes, water, cayenne, and celtic salt and blend. Roll out dough on wax paper or Teflex into a 1/4 inch sheet and use a circular cookie cutter 4” in diameter (I used a mason jar lid) to cut out tostada shells. I found my dough really sticky so I used almond pulp flour and ground flax seeds to coat the wax paper and roller. You may actually have to add a bit of the mixture to your dough if it’s too wet.

2. Place the shells on the dehydrator for 145 degrees for 1-2 hours.

3. For the spinach topping: Blend the avocados, spinach, cilantro, lime juice, jalapeno, cumin, and celtic salt and put in the fridge until the shells are done.

4. For my tostadas I also made the refried beans (I Am Kind) from the I Am Grateful Cookbook and bought fresh pico de gallo from Whole Foods. There are quite a few refried Beans recipes (and a pico de gallo recipe) on this site but if you want I can put up the Cafe Gratitude one, it’s really good.

5. The tostada goes like this: tostada, smear with refried beans, then spinach topping, shredded lettuce and pico de gallo.

6. If you don’t feel like making all the stuff, you can just make the tostadas and then buy fresh guacamole and pico de gallo and lettuce and do it that way.


Abbeycamp's Thoughts

By Abbeycamp

I went looking for raw tostadas here the other day and found no one had posted them yet. 

This recipe is so good and healthy. You’re going to love it!

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Is 145 degree raw?

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A lovely recipe!

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I took down the temp to 110 and left the tostadas in the dehydrator overnight. This recipe came out really well. Thank you!


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I took down the temp to 110 and left the tostadas in the dehydrator overnight. This recipe came out really well. Thank you!

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Is 145 degree raw?

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A lovely recipe!

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Wow! I used to make raw corn tortillas, but I can't eat corn any more, & this will be an awesome meal - also a good way to add greens to it; I never would have thought of that. Thanks!

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Jacklev: The shells are more like chewy. I ate them after two hours and they were delish and then dehydrated the rest until super crispy so they would keep.

Rawclaire: Yes, just dehydrate the pulp until dry and then put through a coffee grinder or blender to make into flour.

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oooooh that looks so good. But what is almond pulp flour? Is it just the pulp from straing almond milk? Or is it dehydrated?

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Have to try this on the weekend.. Sounds good !!!!

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mmmm this sounds amazing! do the shells come out crispy?

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