Recipe Directions

  • 1. Throw the ingredients in a tiny bowl.
  • 2. Grab a spoon and take the bowl back to your TV.
  • 3. Mix it together while you're watching TV because it can take a little while to mix properly, especially if your coconut oil is hard. It'll look really dry at first, but don't add any extra anything. Just go with my measurements and mix it together slowly and carefully with a spoon. Within a minute you'll get the texture seen in my above pic.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

Picture this... You've just had dinner. You're watching TV on the couch. Your non-raw husband pulls out a little chocolate bar beside you, and you wish you could have a little taste of chocolate too. What do you do? You run into the kitchen and make my 1 minute raw chocolate fudge, that's what!

It's so quick that you can do it in a commercial break, only requires three ingredients.

You'll notice that this makes a very tiny serving size, so you'll want to make it in a tiny bowl so that you can stir it properly against the sides of the bowl. I use little tiny custard bowls.

This raw chocolate fudge is really sweet so you don't need much of it to get a nice hit of sweet chocolate flavour.

Frozen Recipe Twist: Make a few servings of this recipe and roll them into balls. Then freeze and eat right out of the freezer. The frozen texture is amazing!

Recipe Photos

Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 84 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Calories, Carbohydrates, and Sodium.
  • This recipe is low in Fat.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Protein, Dietary Fiber, and Iron.

Amounts per 39 g (1 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 158 6 %
Protein 3 g 6 %
Fat 11 g 14 %
Carbohydrates 21 g 6 %
Dietary Fiber 5 g 17 %
Sugars 12 g
Calcium 21 mg 2 %
Iron 2.3 mg 18 %
Sodium 4 mg
Source: USDA

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Comments and Reviews


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jenni's Review

Raw chocolate fudge in 1 minute
4 out of 5

I used coconut oil based peanut butter and added sunflower seeds. Yum!

85 votes
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Hi Jenni,

I'm so glad you enjoyed and glad you were able to make it your own with some tweaks. Enjoy!

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Tammi's Review

Raw chocolate fudge in 1 minute
5 out of 5

OMG! I can't even express how excited I am right now. I started a detox/cleanse that requires eating raw foods only. Been struggling with it & was browsing the internet for recipes. Came across your website, looked at the recipes and realized I had the ingredients to make this. So it's 3:30am & I just whipped up a batch. It's absolutely delish. Can't wait to try the other recipes. Thank you so much for this site:-)

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Aaah Tammi, your words are music to my ears! That is exactly what this recipe is supposed to do... be a quick fix that can satisfy a craving immediately.

PS: You are a night owl!

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Love this recipe!! I am a very time poor mum of two so for me, easy quick and tasty recipes rule! I just made a double batch inbetween putting my baby down for a play on the floor and then putting him to bed. It was so easy, and yum. I added a teaspoon of stevia to make it more palatable for master 4, then rolled half the mix into 6 little balls which I coated with shredded coconut. To the rest in the bowl I added a big tablespoon of ground hazelnut, mixed it all in and then rolled into 6 little balls. I popped them all into the freezer for 10 minutes and then took a few out for morning tea. I love them! Unfortunately Master 4 needs a bit more convincing but I'll keep working on him.

I know me messing with the recipe technically means I've not made 1 minute fudge; but since I had more than one minute I just figured, why not? Thanks for making my first foray into raw sweets so easy and delicious :)

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Hi Mimi, sounds like your creative juices are flowing! Your little masters are lucky to have you :) I like your idea of the little balls! you've got my creative juices flowing

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Someone asked what kind of coco you used and I didn't see an answer. I have the same question as well. Also did you use unsweetened?


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Hi Nash,

I use raw unsweetened cacao. If you cannot find raw cacao (or you cannot afford raw cacao) you can try to use unsweetened cocoa powder instead, which is available in the baking aisle at the grocery store.

Hope this helps!

79 votes
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Just saw on the last page where you said unsweetened. I just made this and am eating it as I type. I taste the powder so next time I will add a bit more honey.

Looking forward to trying a lot of your other recipes. You make things like I do, very simple :)

Thank you for posting all these.

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Hi Nash, glad you were able to find the answer to your question when you needed it!

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So quick!
So good!
Portion size is generous so I didn't feel urge to make another batch .... Today .....maybe tomorrow : D

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

80 votes
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How cute are you that you think this portion size is generous. It is tiny, but it is also plenty. Right?? I feel that it's the perfect little sugar fix for today, as you said. :)

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Can u substitute raw cacao for the cocoa powder?

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Yes Kay you can sub raw cacao for the cocoa powder

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Bronnie's Review

Raw chocolate fudge in 1 minute
5 out of 5

This was an absolutely delicious recipie!
I work in with youth and had a group of 10 under 13's today. I wanted to teach them about being vegan (as I am) and they love chocolate so this worked so perfectly!! We rolled them into balls and dusted with cocoa then left in the fridge for about 30mins. They were so yummy and the kids loved the whole process! I was thinking whether eating honey was 'vegan'. Veganism is so natural and bees cannot survive without making honey so I definitely feel comfortable eating honey as a vegan!
Thank you for the awesome recipe!!

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Hi Bronnie, you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!  What a great experience for your under 13s!!!!!

121 votes
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Such a fantastic recipe thanks! I've tried making these into truffles with a little more coconut oil and they are better than any non-raw truffles I have had, an amazing texture. I've also shaped the mixture into little cup shapes and filled them with natural peanut butter, like raw Reese's peanut butter cups. It's my favourite way to use the recipe. Thank you!

- Kayla, New Zealand.

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Hi Kayla, you are a genius! Sounds yummy and innovative - yet simple. My fave combo!

135 votes
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With passion fruit...aaawesome! With greetings from grrmany

Posted from The Rawtarian's Raw Recipes App

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Mmm passionfruit. Hi back from Canada, Katrina! <waves>

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I've just maded it and it tastes gorgeus however I used maple syrup insted of honey. Thank you for this recipe!

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My pleasure, Agnieszka. So glad you enjoyed :)

156 votes
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I just wanted to say how much I love this recipe. I was introduced to your site by a friend, and although I am not a rawtarian, I try to eat healthily and any healthy chocolate is a win with me. I make this recipe all the time, and tend to put it in the fridge to harden. Sometimes I add vanilla extract, and my favourite thing is to grate some orange peel into it. Healthy chocolate orange? You can't beat it!

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Mmm choco orange! Sounds delightful Fiona :)

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When you say cocoa powder, is this unsweetened cocoa powder? Thanks!

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