Recipe Directions

  • 1. Add all ingredients into large bowl except the shredded coconut.
  • 2. Stir with spoon until well mixed.
  • 3. Once combined, add shredded coconut. Stir again until well combined.
  • 4. Form into 12 small mounds and place on plate. Refrigerate for one hour. (Haystacks will harden when cooled.)
  • 5. Store leftover haystacks in refrigerator.

The Rawtarian's Thoughts

By The Rawtarian

No equipment required! Which means less dishes to clean, which is always a good thing!

These raw chocolate haystacks are awesome. I like to store them in the fridge for quick sugar fixes. These haystacks are probably one of my top 5 favourite recipes because they are really quick and really good! 

Best served cold, straight-out of the fridge because coconut oil will liquify again once warm. (Note: you can freeze them for longer storage, but they are moist and much better when refrigerated rather than frozen.)

To get the white-coconut effect as seen in the picture, roll your finished haystacks in some additional shredded coconut before freezing.

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Nutrition Facts

Nutritional score: 71 out of 100
  • This recipe is very low in Carbohydrates, and Sodium.
  • This recipe is low in Calories.
  • This recipe is a noteworthy source of Dietary Fiber, and Riboflavin.

Amounts per 47 g (2 oz) suggested serving

NameAmount% Daily
Calories 270 11 %
Protein 1.8 g 3 %
Fat 25 g 31 %
Carbohydrates 15 g 4 %
Dietary Fiber 4 g 12 %
Sugars 10 g
Calcium 23 mg 2 %
Iron 1.1 mg 8 %
Sodium 57 mg 2 %
Source: The Rawtarian, USDA

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Comments and Reviews


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Because of the way agave, honey, sugar and maple syrup affect the glycemic index, we are using Stevia or Xylitol for the most part. This change is VERY recent, so I'm kind of new at substitutions. Can you tell me about how much Truvia I would use for the recipe?

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Hi TexasGirl, I've never used Truvia, but I have used Stevia sweet drops. One thing to note is that sometimes it is not possible to do a straight substitution because, for example, honey might provide not only sweetness but a much needed liquid to balance out the recipe.

So, for example, in this recipe there is a 1/2 cup of maple syrup that provides both sweetness AND wetness that is integral to the recipe.

In this recipe, I cannot suggest a clear substitution.

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Is there a different oil you can use? I have some solid cold presses coconut oil...?!
Thank you!

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Hi Abigail, solid cold-pressed coconut oil is perfect. Coconut oil is basically the only oil that will work in this recipe. If yours is solid, just warm it up a bit and it'll melt

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I was so grateful to find this (simple, raw and delicious) recipe! I've been on an elimination diet ( and while reintroducing chocolate today, I was limited as to what else could be in the recipe so this was perfect. Here is a quick overview of what I used due to ingredient availability and food restrictions:
2.5 C shredded coconut
1 C raw cocoa paste (didn't have raw cocoa powder - used less coconut oil as paste includes cocoa butter)
2.5 Tbsp coconut oil
1/2 C maple syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla powder (no alcohol allowed on elimination diet so essence was out)
1/4 tsp sea salt
Only difference was that cocoa paste had to be melted over bain marie (can also add coconut oil if it is solidified) before mixing in other ingredients. The added bonus is that the mounds don't melt as quickly out of the fridge/freezer due to lower coconut oil content.

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Hi Sorcha, thank you for sharing your tweaks! Comments like yours are what make this place great :) The more we know, the better our recipes will turn out!

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I tried this recipe and they were fantastic! The second time I made them I lowered the amount of coconut to one a half cups and added a cup of finely chopped pecans- I highly recommend trying with the added nuts as a way of switching it up:-)

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Hi  Candice - great way to switch it up! Nice tip and thank you for sharing it with us!

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These look yummy! What do you think about using freshly shredded coconut? Would I squeeze the moisture out? Thinking it might be too wet! I'm happy to experiment as I live in Bali Indonesia and the cost of coconuts are extremely cheap. Also replacing maple syrup with a local coconut syrup would work I think? Once again love your recipes. Congratulations on a great site!

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Hi Vanessa, Great questions - the one issue with fresh coconut is what you mentioned. They may be too wet! As for coconut syrup, yes that would be great instead as long as it is sweet enough

108 votes
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Hi there
Can I substitute the cocoa for cacao? and also the maple syrup for agave nectar instead?

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Yes and yes, Claire :)

176 votes
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I made these today and I only have one little problem with them....I Cant Stop Eating Them!!!!! :-)

154 votes
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I made these today and I only have one little problem with them....I Cant Stop Eating Them!!!!! :-)

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Lol I have the same problem!!!

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that is amazing! I need to make more!!

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lol I agree! Get thee to the kitchen, Uma! lol

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I make them with organic agave. I have seen them made with part cacao, part carob. I don't like carob ever, so I skip it. Sometimes to save money I use part raw, organic cacao powder AND part organic, extra dark cocoa powder. I love extra dark chocolate, and these taste like that.

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Great tips Zennifer!

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Wow, tried these today and they were great!

Posted from The Rawtarian App

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So glad you liked John!

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Hi, I was looking for a Raw recipe to take to a Raw Potluck that I will be attending this week and I am just wondering what the yield is on this recipe so I buy enough ingredients..thanks!

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Hi Jess, these are pretty rich. I can't remember exactly but it might make 10 - 14 haystacks, and maybe you could budget 2 haystacks per person. So that gives you some idea of yields

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These are my new favorite raw dessert! I love coconut, so I knew they'd be right up my street. However, I seem to be eating 1-2 golf ball sized haystacks everyday, so I'm now concerned that I might be consuming too much coconut fat! What do you think? Anyway, thanks for the great recipe!

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Haha yep, I hear ya! But everything in moderation. It definitely depends what else you are eating. If you are generally eating well, lots of greens, lots of lovely fresh fruit and veg, I think you'll be just fine. :)

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