This is what I threw together for dinner tonight. I thought it turned out pretty good. :o)
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Recipe Directions

Blend the cashews and water until liquidy & kind of like cashew milk. You can strain it at this point or not depending on your preference. Add the kernels from one ear of corn, the dill, curry powder and salt & pepper and blend until smooth. Pour over the kernels from the other ear of corn in a bowl and enjoy!

As with everything I make, these measurements are approximate. My soup came out pretty mild… I think it could have used more dill and curry and been really fantastic, but I was in a hurry to get to a meeting and ate it as is.

Jenergy's Thoughts

By jenergy

This is what I threw together for dinner tonight. I thought it turned out pretty good. :o)

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this sounds great. I'll have to make it as soon as corn is season around here! :)


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this sounds great. I'll have to make it as soon as corn is season around here! :)

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