Recipe Directions

1. Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth.


Vegan_Vancouverite's Thoughts

By Vegan_Vancouverite

Just like porridge! Yummy and substantial.

I like to garnish my oatmeal with soaked almonds and some agave, but the options are endless.

Note: Yes, raw oats do exist, however, uncooked, dry oats work fine despite not being technically raw.

Just like a smoothie, this recipe can be supported by many additions for nutritional support. You decide on the sweetness!

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Do you mean oat groats?

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mmm looks so creamy and sweet!

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I am new to eating the grains raw, etc.... is a food processor the best tool to have for that? I gather it is? :)


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I am new to eating the grains raw, etc.... is a food processor the best tool to have for that? I gather it is? :)

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yum i love oatmeal!!!!

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It sounds really lovely, I love oatmeal, it was my before-raw favourite actually.

I will definitely make this!

12 votes
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vegan-vancouverite....where do you get your raw oats?? on the Drive somewhere? I'm from Vancouver as well and am new to finding the good places to buy things....any tips would be lovely!! thanks in advance..

18 votes
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Ohhh looks so yummy wish I had soaked them groats yesterday so i could have that for breatkfast today! Thanks and Luna blu you can put it in your dehydrator if you have one for a while to warm it up if you would like. Not hot but at least it's not cool.

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Thankyou so much! I just made it this morning and it is really filling! Apart from not being hot, it's pretty close to the old kind. I soaked raisins overnight and added that, and for my taste about a tablespoon of cinnamon! I have to pack the rest up and take it to work for later!

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I love the porridges that have been coming out recently, yummm! Thank you for the recipe!

Just an aside for all: don't automatically assume oat groats are raw. They are usually steamed before being sold. I think the term groats only means they are hulled. But, if your grains can sprout, then they are raw. I use my sprouting oats haha

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I think I'll make this with buckwheat groats instead! Sounds wonderful.

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mmm looks so creamy and sweet!

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Do you mean oat groats?

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