This is an excellent, nutrionally balanced cereal. Unlike traditional cereals, this one has lots of fibre, complete protein, essential fatty acids, and calcium.
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Recipe Directions

Mix all dry ingredients together. Blend liquid ingredients until reaching a consistent texture. Combine liquid and dry ingredients. Mix well. Eat raw or spread on teflex sheets and dehydrate, then break up. Keep refrigerated to extend freshness.

K8lyn07's Thoughts

By k8lyn07

This is an excellent, nutrionally balanced cereal. Unlike traditional cereals, this one has lots of fibre, complete protein, essential fatty acids, and calcium.

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45 votes
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no kidding! I like to eat it raw because I don't have a dehydrator yet :( I haven't tried it dry, maybe I could dry it in the sun I guess... do you think it makes a big difference?

43 votes
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I've been making an almost raw version of this in my dehydrator, too. I guess great minds think alike. LOL :-)

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I added to much wet stuff; so it turned into goop. So I put it in my oven, with the lowest heat possible and let it dry. It turned into a apple-cinnomon cake with a spongy centre. In the oven it took about 6-8 hours to dry. But it's still really good. I look forward to trying this again, mixed properly LOL


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I added to much wet stuff; so it turned into goop. So I put it in my oven, with the lowest heat possible and let it dry. It turned into a apple-cinnomon cake with a spongy centre. In the oven it took about 6-8 hours to dry. But it's still really good. I look forward to trying this again, mixed properly LOL

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thanks for this! i have been missing my granola. I made this with oats, almonds, sunflower seeds, ground flax, molasses, apples, and cinnamon and flax oil. Tastes good raw, so my bet is it will be even better after 12 hours in the dehydrator.

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I've only dehydrated it, so I don't know how to compare it to the nondehydrated. I guess it just stands up to the almond milk better. You get some nice clusters out of it.

Since you don't have a dehydrator yet, you could use your oven on the lowest setting possible, and if it is low enough, leave the door open (but stay close by just in case). I've heard this technique works, although I haven't tried it myself.

I don't know about the sun method, but I know Maw in the Raw (used to have a blog) has "cooked" portabello mushrooms in the sun successfully.

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no kidding! I like to eat it raw because I don't have a dehydrator yet :( I haven't tried it dry, maybe I could dry it in the sun I guess... do you think it makes a big difference?

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43 votes
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I've been making an almost raw version of this in my dehydrator, too. I guess great minds think alike. LOL :-)

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