Recipe Directions

1. Slice squash very fine (I used a zester to get it incredibly thin).

2. Mix squash with the rest of the ingredients.

3. Leave to marinate on the counter or use the dehydrator to warm thoroughly (about 20 minutes at 110 Fahrenheit).

Harmonylia's Thoughts

By harmonylia

I craved angel hair with olive oil and garlic, and this was what hit the spot.

It took a while to prepare the squash, but it was very much worth it to me.

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What is the take on room temp or warming in the dehydrator?

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Mmm, that sounds good with pepper...and maybe even some cayenne! I wonder where I can get a quality spiralizer, though. My hand cramped up after all that grating.

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Okay, it was a pain, but I am now thinking I need to get a spiralizer! I just ate it with olive oil, salt and pepper. Yummy!

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I liked this so much I made seconds!

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I just wemt and bought the butternut - I am soooooo drooling over this - If only I had an instant zester! :)

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Yeah, after I used the rest of the squash and mixed it in, it tasted a lot better. And it's super filling! I'm gonna make this recipe a lot. yay!

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Thank you for a great recipe harmonylia.

I made this today using a sweet potato, which tastes amazing with the dressing. I used my zester as I wanted thin thin noodles.

I made the dressing in my blender to get the garlic chopped up tiny. And it came out lovely.

I served it over spinach and covered the top with cherry tomatoes.

So delicious, thank you again for a lovely simple recipe.

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Now I am jealous, because I have no more grocery money (I think) until next week! I keep drooling over this recipe, though. The reason I have heard for eating less on raw is that cooking destroys at least half of the vitamins and minerals and all or almost all of the enzymes, so with raw food you can eat a lot less calories to get the same amount of nutrition. Yay for me, since I eat a TON of food!

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Hello! I am happy everyone likes the recipe and it's great to hear about the changes everyone makes! Rawvacious, I am so JEALOUS!!!! I want an attachment like that one! I agree with you, when it's cooked, I eat like a bucket of squash lol, but when it's raw, feels different. Thanks RawKidChef! I cannot wait to see your receipe!!!! Rachel_akiko, I'm so sorry it was salty. I was thinking that maybe you may have had a small squash so the salt over powered the meat itself. I should change it to read medium to large butternut squash. I hope it worked out for you after you balanced it!

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I made this for my mom and I for lunch, and we both thought it was WAYYY too salty. Other than that, it was YUMMY! I'm gonna grate the other half of the squash to balance out the saltiness.

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Ok harmonylia, I will post the tomato sauce and the parmesan cheese recipe and some other ingredients for the ultimate surprise Spaghetti!!! Tomorrrow or the next day. :)

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i made this today....very good!

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Mmmmmm. Thank you so much for this recipe! So simple, so delicious.I woke up this morning, and went to the goneraw site to see what people were making, and this one lit up the screen, because I had a huge, gorgeous butternut squash in my fridge just begging to be made into something. I used my food processor to shred it into ultra thin angel-hair, and it does it so fast! My machine has one of those shredder attachments that has two different thickness settings, the smaller one being the size of a zester, so it was perfect--and no carpal tunnel syndrome from having to grate it by hand, either. My husband ate his so fast, I wondered if he even tasted it, ha ha. I found it to be so filling and satisfying, I only ate half my portion because I was so full...has anyone else had the same experience with raw squash vs. cooked squash? When I eat a cooked squash, I could wolf down a six-pounder all in one sitting by myself, but when I eat it raw like this, a half-cup does it for me for the whole evening. It is so amazing, how much more satisfying it is, and then the squash goes further, so it ends up being cheaper. I find I eat waaaaaaay less on raw. Weird, but I guess it makes sense, as it is so much more efficient energy and nutrient-wise when it`s raw--or am I just making that up? That`s what other people keep telling me! Anyways, thanks again!

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WOW! This was absolutly DIVINE! My unraw husband practically devoured it before my eyes! The combination of coconut oil, basil, and salt was perfectly fulfilling! Thanks!

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Butternut squash has always been a fav of mine, I can't wait to try this!

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Squash has been sitting in my fridge for a 2 weeks now, not sure how to prepare it raw. This is very helpful. thank you

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This looks sooo goood!!! I'm getting off work soon, so I may try this when I get home.

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I am sooooo going to do that tomorrow for lunch, I want to put the acv and cherry maters in, I have half a squash left so this would be perfect! I love the suggestions, it makes it so versatile. You know,I have some fresh basil here growing, so I think with the tomatoes, acv and some chiffonade basil in addition it would be so awesome. Thanks guys!

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hi harmonylia,

it was totally delish! i ate almost ALL of it today and like the rawkidchef i added some cherry tomatoes and some apple cider vinegar too.

mmm mmm mmm

i WILL be making THIS again soon!

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Hey docrona, I made more today with the cheezy sauce to mix in and it was good too, almost mac and cheezy. Tzefira, I usually prepare it like a traditional italian meal with anti-pasti or pasta of crudite, olives, peppers etc...then a salad and a piece of "bread" lol. It's complete like that for me but also, I've eaten it alone as well. Oh yay, RawKidChef, I'm so happy you were able to make it and it actually tasted yummy for you! I would adore it if you posted the parmesan cheese and fancy tomato sauce, as I miss my italian so much!!

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harmonylia: I just tried this and it was sooooooo goooooooooood!!!!! There are no words to describe this. Since I forgot to buy garlic, it probably didn't taste the same, but I have to tell you this stuff really rocked. I skipped the coconut oil because I thought it would go better with the garlic. I added a tad of vinegar and blended up some grape tomoatoes for a little tomato thing,and salted it. It rocked. Thank you so much for this recipe. :)

I'd LOVE to make this with my parmesan cheese recipe and my fancy tomato sauce, along with the garlic. I will post the recipe in less than a week when I have everything. Would you like me to post the recipe?

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what would be a good meal to prepare this with?

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oh...forgot to sweet doggie (seen smiling with cigar in my avitar) absolutely LOVED the 'scrap' butternut squash pieces! :D (woof!)

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on board for this completely

just spiralized 1/2 a butternut and will make this sauce and or the cheezy sauce later today to top it off.

the color is completely exquisite.

thanks for sharing your recipe :)


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Thanks harmonylia! Actually, the grocery store closed early last night so I'm going today to buy butternut squash. I can't wait to try it, and thanks for the info on coconut oil! :)

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