Recipe Directions

2 ways to do it: either juice the carrots and make the smoothie using that juice, or just put everything in the blender and then strain through a nut milk bag if the texture is not smooth enough (what I did).

Crue's Thoughts

By Crue

When I published my carrot and peaches with fresh thyme salad, emtpdmom mentionned that it would make a good smoothie. I had to try it! It turned out so good, so fresh, sweet and tasty that I tought I’d share it… and say thank you to emtpdmom :)

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WOW now that is MAJESTY!!! Thank you for your beautiful offering!

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I had this today minus the thyme, I thought I had some but it was rosemary, don't know why I get the two confused, It sure was tasty!!!

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Merci de l'accueil Bronwyn :) J'apprécie beaucoup que vous ayiez pris la peine de m'écrire en français! I'm from Canada, Québec more exactly. I should be more polite and introduce myself on the forum, I'll do that pretty soon.


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WOW now that is MAJESTY!!! Thank you for your beautiful offering!

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I had this today minus the thyme, I thought I had some but it was rosemary, don't know why I get the two confused, It sure was tasty!!!

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how sunny and tasty looking! Wonderful fall drink.

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Springleaf, I love thyme in the fall, it is antibaterial, antiviral and it is also energizing and tonic... exactly what we need at this time of the year!

Sue, I'm sure nectarine would be just as delicious!

Bronwyn, merci encore :)

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This looks lovely, I have a thyme plant on my balcony, how convenient! :-)

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Well, after 3 years of french, I can only reply, merci beaucoup. This looks divine. I'm always looking for new juice recipes. Do you think I can substitute a nectarine for the peach?

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Aucun problème, je suis heureux de pratiquer quand je peux parce-que mon français n'est pas très bon maintenant. Je habitez aussi en Canada, mais en Toronto. Pour quelque raison j'ai eu une sensation vous étiez canadien. Nous sommes contents pour vous avoir ici, Crue!

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Merci de l'accueil Bronwyn :) J'apprécie beaucoup que vous ayiez pris la peine de m'écrire en français! I'm from Canada, Québec more exactly. I should be more polite and introduce myself on the forum, I'll do that pretty soon.

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Merci pour partager cette recette et accueillir à goneraw! J'ai vu votre site internet et vous avez vraiment des recettes merveilleuses! J'aime la crème d'asperges à la fraise, les biscuits pomme avoine et la croustade abricots à la cannelle "vraie". Aussi, vos photographies sont absolument belles! Où habitez-vous?

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Crue, you're most welcome. It's absolutely delicious.

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